Raising Readers – Chapter Book Favorites for Kids

Raising readers chapter book favorites

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Raising kids who love to read is a gift, but it’s not magic. If you’ve followed my parenting journey here on CleverlyChanging then you know that I am a strong advocate for literacy. My girls were ages 2 and 3 when they were reading books on their own. They’ve always loved books and as infants that would sit quietly in their cribs while I read to them. Their love for books made having twins much easier.

It’s no surprise that we are a household that loves reading, but as a child I was a reluctant reader. I only read when I had too. Unfortunately, my mom wanted me to read the Bible from sun up to sun down, and it made me think reading was boring when I was a child. Nothing is wrong with the Bible, in fact, it is a wonderful book that will enhance your child’s vocabulary, but if it is the only book you encourage your child to read he or she may become discouraged if they don’t get a chance to read books that they personally pick out.

Although, I was a reluctant reader, I was a strong reader with a robust vocabulary so I recognized the benefits that come along with reading fluently and gaining comprehension. I also knew that once I became a parent I wanted my kids to love reading because readers tend to become innovators. For instance, Bill Gates credits his knowledge and business prowess to his love for reading. He also once said ” I really had a lot of dreams when I was a kid, and I think a great deal of that grew out of the fact that I had a chance to read a lot.” (“Bill Gates Quotes About Reading | A-Z Quotes”)

Raising Readers Who Will Enjoy Chapter Book Series

Although my favorite books were historical fiction novels as a kid, I quickly my girls have other interest. In fact, it turns out that I’m raising daughters who like science fiction books. They prefer books about adventures, mysteries, magic, space, robots, technology, inventions etc. 

Nick and Tesla 5 book series

(5th grade reading level +)

Amulet Book Series for kids Sci Fi

  • The Amulet series – A collection of the first seven books in Kazu Kibuishi’s #1 New York Times bestselling series! Books are fantasy and science fiction related. This is my daughter’s top favorite book series so far.

HIVE book series for Kids Sci Fi

  • H.I.V.E. Book Series (9 books) by Mark Walden – We recently purchased these books on our Kindle, but so far my daughters are really enjoying this series.
  • Eager and Eager’s Nephew by Helen Fox – My daughter’s are intrigued by STEM subjects and these books are about robots and human engagement. They are Sci fi, intriguing and they make you think
  • The Chronicles Of Narnia book series by C.S. Lewis (7 books)

Tom Swift The Robot Olympics for young readers

  • Tom Swift Young Inventor Series – There are 6 books in this series but my kids have only read the second book “The Robot Olympics,” and plan to read the other titles this summer. 
  • Time Quintet Series (5 books) – (A Wrinkle in Time is the first book in the series)

Quest for Truth (4 Book Series)

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(2-6th grade reading level)

  1. Geronimo Stilton series – This is one of my daughters favorite series of all time and there are about 50 books in this collection. These books excited her and she couldn’t wait to go to the library to check out more. They are an Italian children book series. (10 book box set)
  2. Thea Stilton Series (11 books) – Elisabetta Dami is the author of both series but originally wrote under a pseudonym. Both collections are equally engaging.
  3. I survived Book Series
  4. The Adventures of Wishbone book series and Wishbone Mysteries – I enjoyed watching these parodies about  classic stories. Each story uses personification and cast the dog as the main character. 
  5. Magic Tree House Book Series 
  6. Worst-Case Scenario Junior Series
  7. What Was (historical fiction series) and Who Was (25 books)
  8. The Box Car Children book Series – there are over 40 books in this series and I remember reading many when I was a child. When my daughters were small my husband and I use to read them to them for their bedtime stories.

(1st – 3rd grade reading level)

  1. The Imagination Station Book Series (15 books)
  2. Marc Brown Arthur Chapter Books
  3. Magic School Bus Book Series (20 books)

Real Reading List Directly From My Homeschool Portfolio

Click on the link for the PDF Version

(4th grade reading log)

(3rd grade reading log)

Where to Find Age or Reading Level Appropriate Reading List

Additional Tips for Raising Readers

  • Let your child pick books they like.
  • Take them to the library and browse the children’s section.
  • Create a special area in your home that they can decorate.
  • Let your children see you reading for fun.
  • Read books with your child
  • Engage your children about the books they are reading, ask questions, dress up like the characters, do related crafts etc.

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“Bill Gates Quotes About Reading | A-Z Quotes.” A-Z Quotes. N.p., 2018. Web. 5 June 2018.

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