With a following of over 22,000 authentic followers from various media outlets, Elle’s blog ( seeks to encourage, empower, & inspire others to live cleverly, changing when necessary. Perfect parenting, doesn’t exist, but informed and attentive parenting does. As parents we don’t need to reinvent the wheel, parents before us have shown us what works and what doesn’t. Thus, Cleverly Changing desires to regularly share tips on finance, health, and product reviews to make other parents jobs a little easier. Elle’s focus as a freelance writer, mom blogger, entrepreneur, wife, and mom of twins is to work together with her community to empower parents, but most importantly to empower the total person to achieve the best that this life has to offer.
This blog is available for the following opportunities:
- Partnerships
- Guest writers
- Sponsorship
- Reviews and Features
- Advertisements
View Media Kit for more information
*Writers, businesses, and organizations around the DC metro area are strongly desired. Contact or simply fill out the form below:
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