It’s not too late to make this summer a fun and memorable one. Almost every child I have ever met has looked forward to Summer. Summer months offers tons of time to learn something new, hang out late with friends, and enjoy a summer vacation that will be remembered for years to come. If you want to create new excitement in your children and help them have an unforgettable summer, here are a few tips that will help.
1. Search Pinterest for Some Fun Ideas The Entire Family Can Enjoy
Where would we be without Pinterest? Pinterest has really helped increase my creativity. At the start of each summer I research fun games that my kids will enjoy. There are also many do it yourself options like a life-size jenga blocks and water balloon dart games. Aside from games, you can also search for almost anything like tutorials, printouts, info-graphics, and more.
2. Make Summer Memories While Learning Something New Together
Have you ever considered taking a class with your kids? It is a great way for your children to see a different side of you. It will show them how you react when faced with new challenges. One great example would be taking a swimming, cooking, zumba, exercise, or painting class together. Showing your kids your vulnerable side can let them know that you are with them and on their team. It will open up your communication lines give you something new to discuss with your kids. You would be getting to know them on their level. Not only will you learn how your kids socialize and interact with other authority figures but you will be developing a richer bond together. It is also important for your children to see you having fun and interacting with other people that you don’t know.
3. Explore New Places Together 
Roadtrips are great because it increases the quality time you spend with your kids. Instead of spending your time on a laptop or tablet you can sing songs, play games, or listen to your favorite podcasts.
Your kids will never forget the memories they created while traveling with the family they love. Check out this post so that you learn how to save money while traveling.
4. Keep A Summer Journal!
Journals are a great way for children to practice their writing or drawing. Kids can be as realistic or as creative as they would like to be while journaling. Adults should also keep a journal to relieve stress or to capture funny or unusual moments that happened.
Summer Memories is what our lives are all about. We won’t look back and remember how many cool gadgets we bought or how many work projects we completed. We will think about the relationships that we made, the memories we made with our children and the quality time that we spent together.
5. Keep a Camera Close By so You’ll Have Proof of Your Unforgettable Summer Memories
A digital camera is great because it allows you to see the pictures that you are capturing instantly. You will immediately know if the shot is too blurry or too dark. Usually the best family moments are unplanned, so it is good to keep your camera on-hand or nearby. Luckily, most smartphones have a decent camera that will allow you to take amazing photos. Just make sure that you have space available and a well charged phone.
If you’re like me and you haven’t mastered the camera on your phone, and still prefer to have a larger camera like a Nikon, Canon, or Olympia close by, then you are in luck. Now, you can get a Wifi-enabled SD card for your digital camera.
Here are 3 great wifi sd card options: (remember the greater the gigabytes the more space available. {This blog has Amazon affiliate links}