The American Visionary Museum in Baltimore, MD offered a free parenting conference. “With generous underwriting by the Reva and David Logan Foundation and special thanks to Dan and Gloria Logan, participants were able to hear from a world-class array of inspirational expert presenters and scientific researchers in the field of family well-being, child trauma, and positive parent and child attachment.” The presenters were so passionate about their work in the community I felt moved.
It’s no secret that I love my daughters and my parenting experience excites me. However, I will be one of the first to admit that parenting can be difficult, or maybe a better word to use is challenging. It’s not a breeze for anyone. Although we love our little people, they often are subsets of our own personalities and at times they are capable of not only testing us but

Thankfully, the Logan Visionary Conference 2019 – The Art of Parenting didn’t necessarily go into the emotional side of parenting, but it did provide much-needed insight. The conference highlighted issues that parents are facing in Baltimore, but even if the issues didn’t apply directly, there was good information that any parent could apply to their own life.

Here are a few takeaways from today that remind me that parenting is a beautiful expression of life:
I’m going to start my recap from the end of the conference.
Shalita O’Neale, Founder
Fostering Change
• Shalita O’Neale ended the conference with a riveting story about living in the foster care system and how she went on to achieve success and is currently giving back through her foundation. I left recognizing the need to help adult foster care youth who may need additional support long after the state requires them to have an adult guardian.
Parenting takeaway for anyone: everyone in this world needs love and someone to look out for their best interest. If you are providing love for your own kids and are able of helping a child within the foster system, then reach out because there are thousands of children who need a safe place where they can be heard.
Next, abuse is real. It covers all demographics worldwide; therefore, as parents, our eyes should always be open.
Alison D’Alessandro, Senior Policy & Program Specialist
Baltimore Child Abuse Center
•Alison reminded us that we always need to have a watchful eye on our kids and make sure they understand boundaries and touch. She encouraged us, parents, to start discussing good touch and bad touch as early as toddlerhood and never be naive about abuse because abuse happens in all demographics.
Dr. Robert Hamilton, Former President AAP
Former President, American Academy of Pediatrics and known for the “Hamilton Hold”
• Dr. Robert Hamilton wowed the crowd with his gentle calming a crying baby technique, which seems so simple, yet interesting. He told us to find joy in parenting and not to wait too long, but be prepared when we want to have kids.
Joe Jones, Founder and CEO
Center for Urban Families
•Joe Jones shared his personal story about how he was able to overcome major life obstacles facing some black men such as criminal charges, child support, limited education, and a lack of financial resource. He now pays it forward and helps others overcome these obstacles and go on to lead a productive life within society. His, fatherhood initiative is commendable and is currently helping young fathers not only spend more time with their kids, but also pay off child support debt and get decent jobs.
Overall, I believe, if you missed the conference, then you missed a treat.