Always Live #LikeAGirl Confident, Brave, Joyful, and Prepared @Always #Ad #EndPeriodPoverty

Have Fun Exploring Life and Living Like a girl | AD for Always

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My Personal Experience

“Did you know that nearly 1 in 5 girls have missed school because they can’t afford period protection? Missing out can limit a girl’s potential and opportunities far beyond puberty.”

Twenty-six years ago, I remember getting my first period. Unfortunately, my mother who has a chronic illness was in the hospital. I was home with one of my older sisters. After showering that morning, I saw red marks on the white towel I used to dry the water off of my body. Perplexed at first, I checked my body for bruises and cuts, and then immediately, in the heat of the moment, I was startled and frightened. I should not have felt ashamed, but I was scared to tell my sister that I had started my period.

Realizing that I would have to reveal my new situation, I told her what I had discovered and asked her for a pad. Then she told me where she kept her stash of pads. Although I felt weird, I knew that I would be okay because countless women had been in the same situation and they survived. I was just disappointed that my experience was far from the jubilant stories I had heard from friends and classmates at school about how their mothers had thrown them a party when they “entered womanhood.”

African American Blogger playing Tennis-AD Always Be Confident

I remembered thinking to myself, “Am I really going to feel this uncomfortable all day?”  I also didn’t realize that I needed to take more than one pad to school. So, I miscalculated and tried to make one out of toilet paper later on that day instead of telling my teacher that I needed a sanitary napkin. Honestly, I was embarrassed to be growing up and the bodily changes I experienced were rapid and worrisome.

Although, I had four older sisters and I had taken puberty classes at school, neither prepared me for my first period. I was lucky to have a sister who could give me pads when I needed them; especially when my mother was not around. But even in the U.S., there are many young women who are unable to afford period products. It can restrict their comfort level when playing sports, going to school, or other activities.

African American Child Skiing

I remember my own experience like it was yesterday so I’m excited to partner with Always Live #LikeAGirl campaign. This campaign helps inform others about this issue as both companies give back to low-income communities in an effort to help #EndPeriodPoverty. It is the companies’ goal to help young girls stay confident and Always Live #LikeAGirl. As a result, they are also donating a year’s supply of period products to 50 teams in 50 states. Please take a few minutes to watch the video above and share it with other moms and girls that you know.

African American Child Riding a Bike-AD Always Be Joyful

Now that I am a mom with two daughters, of my own, who are entering this stage of life I gave them a period stash. So when the time comes…they will be ready. I challenge moms of girls to make their daughters one as well.

Create your own “Period Stash box” for a young girl in your life.

Box for Girls Starting Their Period - Ad Always Be Prepared

Reader Question

If you were making a period stash for a young girl, what would you include in the box or purse?

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