David Stone’s, “Building Family Ties With Faith, Love, and Happiness,” is an easy read. I wish I grew up in a perfect home, with a two-parent family whose love and words of affirmation were always positive and generous. However, I do not lament my past because it shaped who I am today. My own life and Christian upbringing also helped me evaluate Stone’s advice and see the truth within his words.
Although the stories Stone chooses to share from his family, seem to depict a record of a perfect home, I’m aware that he chose to leave out the imperfect moments to help motivate us to strive for wholeness within our own homes. I’m glad that this text highlights the good from lessons learned within his own family because it lends credibility to the advice he shares. My husband and I take our roles as spouses and parents seriously, it is our desire to love one another with our whole heart and teach our children to do the same as well. The principles mentioned in “Building Family Ties With Faith, Love, and Happiness” are priceless. It would be great if every parent would read this book, and feel the comfort I felt from knowing that if you follow the principles shared, life will be much more joyful!
Like David Stone, I want to cultivate a joyful family. Below are some lessons I will take to heart from the book: (the lessons below are written in my own words as I plan to apply them in my home)
- Develop a family mission statement – set up a family goal
- Provide a consistent feeling of security for my children and my spouse. Home shouldn’t be riddled with worry.
- Set reasonable consistent boundaries starting while my children are young.
- Share the joy within me by being goofy at times.
- Enjoy the company of each other by spending time together.
- Develop memories of the past, which produce happiness rather than hurt.
- Teach my children to have a merry heart and to thankful for what God provides.
- Eat together and learn together.
Quotable Thoughts:
- “Like most other principles that we try to pass on to our children, contentment must be modeled. Your children need to see and sense that you are happy and at peace with life as it is, not constantly striving for more.” (Pg. 76)
- “Joy is lasting and rich. It’s not dependent on your possessions; it’s derived from your purpose. Joy runs deeper than happiness.” (Pg. 80)
- “Teach your kids the meaning of confidentiality. Continually remind them that some conversations or embarrassing moments are private family matters that shouldn’t be disclosed.” (Pg. 91)
- “When you give in to whining, you’re teaching them that this is an acceptable method for getting their way. You’re rewarding immaturity and thus enabling it. Parenting then becomes more difficult, because every decision becomes a debate.” (Pg. 101)
- “When service emerges, selfishness evaporates.” (Pg.122)
I can relate to this book, the values it contains are ones I share with my husband. Even the story about David’s son-in-law Patrick who was diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma touched home in my life. During my senior year in High School one of my friends and classmates was diagnosed with the same disease. Watching her go through chemotherapy, off to college, and then buried I cannot help but realize tomorrow is not promised. We must live for today. My friends goal driven life taught me o many lessons, but most of all she taught me to make peace with each day and enjoy life while I’m still breathing because in the game of life there are no do-overs. This is a concept at the foundation of my parenting, do my best while I can because I won’t get a second chance, nurturing and raising my children.
In my bio I say, “one of the only consistent things about parenting is constant change.” Sometimes, the changes can become overwhelming but David Stone’s book is an excellent starting guide for parents to read. Does this book receive by clever parenting stamp of approval? Yes, it does.
Disclosure: I received this book free as a member of Booksneeze.com. However, all opinions expressed are honest. The Amazon link enclosed is an affiliate link.