A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post entitled, “If I Had a Few Extra Minutes In My Day” now I am happy to report that I have found time to get more things done around the house. Before, I was able to surface clean, but now I able to get a lot deeper. I am also able to free up some of my leisure time so I can spend more quality time with my husband and children. Here are 5 tips that work for me.
- Take a nap with the kids in the day/go to bed when they do (for me it is around 8:00) and then stay up later or get up early and work on things that you need to get done without any interruptions. Resting a little helps keep you refreshed so you won’t be extremely tired the following day.
- Set a regular bed time and routine for your children. Not having to convince my children to go to bed each not helps free up my time earlier. They start to wind-down at the same time every night so the routine helps them know that it is time to relax for bedtime.
- Don’t save all your projects for the same time. I try to stay up later or wake up earlier at least once or twice a week. Now I schedule about 2 projects to work on at that time. Planning out when to complete the projects helps relieve the stress of getting things done.
- Make a list. We have a white-board in our house where my husband and I write down our projects. Putting the list down on paper has helped me not forget to do some things I have wanted to get done, an it has also helped me feel more accomplished by being able to check things off of my list.
- Get assistance when needed. Not all of your projects can be completed alone. Recently, my husband got the entire family involved with raking leaves in the yard. We have a lot of leaves so working together helped raking go a lot faster and it was fun to do as a family.