My Twins

Elle and Em

I love having twins.  My children are great at entertaining each other and at 18 months I notice that they are already looking out for one another.   This is also the month that they are learning each others names.  Elle calls her sister’s name all of the time and Em rarely says Elle, she usually calls her “sister.”  For a while Elle would look in the mirror and call herself Em, I wouldn’t think that was unusual if they looked alike, but they don’t.  They are also learning to show their emotions, so some days they verbalize that they want to give each other kisses, and on other days they screech that they would prefer to be left alone.  Yesterday, I over heard Elle say “Space” when her sister climbed on her while she was sitting in a chair.  They truly fascinate me.

I was in my first trimester when my husband and I found out God was blessing our home with twins.  At the time, he looked terrified and I felt overwhelmed.   I will never forget, going to my first OBGYN appointment with a new physician and begging my Husband to join me.  In my heart I knew something was different about my pregnancy.  I felt that I was carrying multiples and I was eager to receive some confirmation.  The stenographer was pleasant as she spoke to us with a soothing voice.  My heart raced as she positioned the wand in uterus,  which confirmed that we were having two babies.  Now, 18 months later I probably wouldn’t have it any other way if I had a choice.  They keep each other busy, and keep me on my feet.  The beauty of being a parent is being able to share unconditional love.

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