
Everyone needs groceries and coupon clipping can save money but is time consuming.  Going to the grocery store is something that I rarely find time to do, so I write a list and send my husband, or I use Peapod. Peapod offers great flexibility.  I can buy groceries while watching my daughters play.  I also […]

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Children’s Place Dresses

With Easter season in the air, I was struck with dress buying fever.  I turned on my computer and searched through some of my favorite children’s stores for just the right dresses for my twins.  The Children’s Place Dressy Collection this spring was awesome.  I adored the dainty threads of yellow, blue, and white; pink

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Your Baby Can Read

When my children were 4 months old I purchased the Your Baby Can Read system.  I thought to myself, if I can give my children an advantage in this world, why not.  I was a bit skeptical when I saw the infomercials while I was pregnant, but the more I thought about the process of

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My Twins

I love having twins.  My children are great at entertaining each other and at 18 months I notice that they are already looking out for one another.   This is also the month that they are learning each others names.  Elle calls her sister’s name all of the time and Em rarely says Elle, she usually

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