Avent Bottles

What I loved about the product? Naturally shaped soft wide nipple Different size bottles to choose from These bottles will grow with your child.  When your child reaches the sippy-cup stage you only need to buy the attachments to use with these bottles instead of a totally new set.

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Parenting a child with sickle cell anemia

Sickle Cell Disease

One of our daughters was diagnosed with Sickle Cell Disease when she was a couple of weeks old. Specifically, the doctor told us she had (SS) Sickle Cell Anemia.  So, what is Sickle Cell Anemia?  It is a genetic disorder, in which there are a smaller number of red blood cells than the body should

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Mommy Got Back?

Recently, while watching Oprah I heard Christina Aguilera say that having a baby has made her feel sexier.  “Wow!” I thought.  How many women would agree?  After the birth of my twins, unfortunately I do not concur. Oh, I wish I could, but my body is just not the same.  There are many things beautiful about the

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