Most people have a general idea of how interventions work. You can stage one for drugs or alcohol, or you might even stage one for gambling or sex addiction in some instances. No matter what the objectionable behavior is, having an intervention can be what’s needed to make the person who’s behaving this way change their life for the better.
If you are living in Florida, for example, you might contact a Miami interventionist if you feel a family member or friend needs that. You can also find individuals who help with these interventions in other parts of the country.
Having a successful intervention normally requires several steps, so let’s look at the most common ones right now.
Contact a Professional Interventionist
Usually, the first thing you’ll want to do is to reach out to a professional intervention specialist. These individuals will have gone through this many times, so they should be invaluable as you get ready to confront the afflicted person about their troublesome behavior.
Arrange a Time and Place for the Intervention
Next, you will figure out a time and place where the intervention will occur. Usually, having it in a setting where the struggling individual will feel comfortable makes the most sense. You want to make this as easy on them as possible.
Contact any Family Members Who Should Be There
You can then reach out to any family members who you feel should be there. Picking who should not be there is just as vital. Maybe you feel that certain family members enable the problematic behaviors, and these individuals should not attend.
Reach Out to Any Friends or Coworkers Whose Presence Might Also Help
Next, you can think about whether the person who’s struggling has any friends or coworkers who should attend the intervention. Again, you must think about who’s enabling the person with the issue and who is not. Only ask coworkers or friends to attend who you think will be helpful and take the process seriously.
Consider Whether Having Any Teachers, Coaches, or Religious Leaders Might Help
Then, you can think about whether anyone else in the person’s life should be there. Are there any sports coaches they trust? What about any religious leaders if the person is religious? Are there any current or former teachers or professors with whom the afflicted person has a good relationship?
Talk About What You’ll Say to the Person
When you figure out everyone who will be there, you can have a dry run. Get together somewhere and talk about what each of you is going to say. The intervention specialist can help you get a script ready.
Have the Intervention
The last stage is the intervention itself. It’s probably not going to be easy. The person who needs the intervention might be angry or even combative. They may lash out before they are willing to listen to you.
Remember how crucial this is, though. It’s not hyperbole to say that you might be saving this person’s life.