As my daughter entered her adolescent years, I noticed that she had several acne breakouts. When I was her age, I suffered from the same dilemma. Irritated pimples darkened my cheeks and forehead, but one huge difference is that I have oily skin and my daughter’s skin is drier. Trying to identify the right skin care combination has been a challenge. Thankfully, Y’our Skincare reached out about their new personalized skin care system, which helps identify the proper skincare routine for each person.
How the personalized skin care system works
Trying to convince my daughter to try an actual routine and not just use whichever soap she sees by the sink wasn’t hard. She was entirely on board because she wanted healthy, soft, beautiful skin. She visited Y’our Skincare and took their quiz. Within minutes, she received her results and then a follow-up about how to take care of her unique skin.
A Personalized Skin Care System
She liked getting a personalized email that stated the following:
We’ve received and assessed your skin condition and made some adjustments. Our skin consultant mentioned that since your daughter is relatively young and acne-prone, it is likely that she would go through a short period of purging when trying new products. On top of that, puberty can also make her acne situation unpredictable. Thus, please update us frequently on her skin condition (preferably with photos)- our first official check-in will be in 2 months, but if her purging phase lasts for more than two weeks, please let us know. With our Happy Skin Guarantee, we would love to re-assess the formula and make changes if needed. The skin experts also strongly suggest using makeup remover every night (even when she is not wearing makeup, as our day cream consists of SPF and should be removed properly with makeup remover and cleanser).
Trust the process
At first, she used Step 1 – the face wash but skipped Step 2 – the day cream. After having a quick chat with her about the importance of moisturizer, she understood why she needed to adhere to this step within the routine. So far, she likes the ease of the skin care system. I also realized that I needed to stop her from wearing her two-strand twists directly onto her face because they were causing more breakouts. Now it’s been fun watching the progress as her skin clears. As we were told, after starting the system, she experienced more breakouts as her skin was getting cleansed. This is a part of the process, she told herself, and sure enough, within a couple of days, she started to see that the pimples were starting to disappear.
If you’re interested in a personalized skincare routine, please check this one out! Each skincare set includes four products: cleanser, day cream with SPF, serum, and night cream.