The Best Ways To Improve The Look Of Your Smile

The look of your smile is the first thing many people notice about us, so it’s important that we’re able to feel confident in it. The condition and appearance of our teeth make a big difference to our smile, so many people seek treatments to help with any issues they may have with the appearance of their teeth. We’ll be covering some of the best options out there to help with a range of different dental issues. Read on to find out what they are.


Bonding is commonly used to treat issues such as chipped or otherwise damaged teeth. The composite resin material imitates the natural appearance of tooth enamel, making it blend seamlessly in with the existing tooth. Once applied, it replaces the missing or damaged enamel and is not noticeable when smiling.

Teeth Aligners 

Teeth aligners are a highly popular treatment for those that have crooked teeth and want a straighter, more uniform appearance to their teeth. Aligners allow you to create a straighter appearance and are sometimes combined with whitening to achieve the perfect smile. They are a more affordable and less drastic option than having veneers or crowns fitted. Straight My Teeth offers high-quality teeth aligners and can help you achieve the goals you have in mind for your teeth.


Veneers are made from porcelain or composite resin and are crafted to achieve the goals of the person they are being fitted to. They cover the front face of the tooth, giving them a completely new appearance. The most common reasons for people to choose veneers are due to discolouration of their natural teeth, misaligned natural teeth, or damage to the front face of their teeth. Veneers don’t have to look unnaturally white or straight and can be designed to be as natural as you like. 

Dental Crowns 

Similar to veneers, crowns provide a cover to the teeth and help to overhaul their appearance for a more desired look. Unlike veneers, however, they cover the entire tooth rather than just the front face. They can be a good option for those that have extensive damage to their natural teeth or want to prevent decay of their natural teeth. Crowns can sometimes be found to be more expensive than veneers as they cover more surface area and require more material and design to fit the existing teeth.

Dental Bridges And Implants 

Dental bridges are used to replace a missing tooth or several missing teeth in a row. The fake teeth are made usually from porcelain or composite resin and are supported by a metal wing attached to the surrounding healthy teeth. The fake teeth do not stand out when you smile as they are designed to match perfectly with the natural look of your existing teeth. You can also use dental implants, which are fitted to the jaw using a titanium screw, making them more secure and hard-wearing than a dental bridge. Implants can replace a number of missing teeth or just a singular missing tooth. Covering a gap in the space between your teeth will surely improve the look of your smile.

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