Instead of wondering what the future will look like after quarantine, take advantage of this extra time on your hands by picking up a new skill, or trying things for which you never previously carved out time.

Here are several ways you can stay motivated, learn something new, have fun, and stay moving during these trying times.
1. Find New, Creative Ways to Exercise
If your workouts feel like a chore, especially during quarantine, then that’s a huge sign you need to change things up. Sometimes we follow a trending workout and become stifled in that routine, completely forgetting how fun the old exercises used to be.
Remember the Frisbee or baseball collecting dust in the corner of your bedroom? Enjoy the sunshine in your backyard with the kids playing catch, or invite over some friends or co-workers for volleyball matches. You never know how much fun you’ll have and the laughs you’ll share, rather than being bored on the couch watching TV reruns.
2. Start an Organic Garden in the Backyard
Thankfully, this quarantine started in the thick of spring, which happens to be one of the absolute best times to start a garden. Many people may be interested in the health benefits of fresh organic foods or simply want to beautify their front yard. But once you’ve planted everything, nature practically does the rest for you. Gardens are an absolute treasure to take pictures of to inspire friends during the dog days of summer and could even help feed some of the people struggling in your community.

3. Make Yourself Shine with a New Look
Understandably, your wardrobe may have taken a hit in the last few years, especially if you’ve been busy with work, family priorities, or caught up in a whirlwind of drama. Now is the time to plan a new look that tells the rest of the world who you are. To do so, remove anything in your wardrobe that no longer applies to you. Now is your chance to come back from this mess better than you ever were before and become the actual diamond in the rough.
4. Create Something Spectacular
One way to keep yourself busy during quarantine is to think of new, creative ways to add value to the world, whether it’s an inspiring piece of art, a business idea, an invention or something even more creative. You never know if that thing you create becomes a neighborhood trend that goes on to help millions of people later on in life or how much it puts a smile on someone’s face when they’re roughing it. If you save them as decorations for your house, they can also serve as a reminder of a time when you had the strength to overcome a worldwide epidemic.
5. Spend Time Relaxing in Nature
Trying to help family, friends and co-workers during hard times can become exhausting, and we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves, too. That’s why it’s good to step outside every once in a while to breathe in the fresh, crisp air and enjoy the simple, yet overwhelming beauty that nature offers us each day. Lay out a blanket with the kids under the stars and attach a light to your favorite book, or roast marshmallows out by the fire pit while you laugh about the stories of times you struggled.
It’s The Small Things That Matter Most
Now is your chance to collect yourself, destress from the drama around you, and enjoy the things we often take for granted. You’ll find that you’ll discover new things about yourself that you’ve never known before and come out of it all a happier person.