Hands down, Smurfs: The Lost Village is all about girl-power and honoring the power of being female. “I’m a Lady,” by Meghan Trainor is empowering to young women across the globe. The film and music video reminds us that we can be different, and be special gems and cool in our own right. We don’t have to compare ourselves to others to find out what makes us special.We are ladies and that’s totally amazing.
As a mom to two young women, I love this message. I love that my daughters will see a strong character who is daring and not afraid of adventure. I love that the messages I teach them at home are reinforced by other outlets. In fact, many young women will go through a period in our lives we when they aren’t sure of themselves. Unfortunately, without guidance, it is easy to compare themselves to other children and eventually become self-deflated. Therefore, I’m glad that with Smurfette’s character there is a resounding message that we as women are fully whole, all by ourselves. So, I can’t wait to see the movie and see just how wonderful Smurfette shatters stereotypes placed on women and young girls.
[tweetthis]I can’t wait to see Smurfs: The Lost Village. Smurfette, is a positive adventurous character that young girls can look up to. via @CleverlyChangin[/tweetthis]
Here are a few cool facts about Smurfs: The Lost Village:
Demi Lovato plays Smurfette. However in the past two films, Smurfette was played by Katy Perry.
This movie is fully computer-animated and introduces fans to new smurfs.
Can you guess which veteran actress is playing the family matriarch?
Yep, Julia Roberts is in the movie too and is going to the family matriarch.
Enter to win Smurfs: The Lost Village swag: {CLOSED}
Alright, I hope you’re excited about this film as much as I am. It’s right on time, being released just after National Women’s History month, just in time for Easter, and in time to usher in spring too. Enter below via “GiveAway Tools” You could be my next big winner to win a cool swag pack from the latest smurf movie. Smurfs: The Lost Village is the third smurfs movie to be released in theaters.
1 winner will receive: (5-item prize pack. Retail Value $20)
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After to enter to win the smurfs swag, learn more about the movie:
SMURFS: The Lost Village Opens
About SMURFS: The Lost Village
Furthermore, in this is an all-new take on the Smurfs. Smurfette finds a mysterious map. Then, she and her best friends Brainy, Clumsy and Hefty go on an exciting and thrilling race through the Forbidden Forest filled with magical creatures to find a mysterious lost village before the evil wizard Gargamel does. Embarking on a roller coaster journey full of action and danger, the Smurfs are on a course that leads to the discovery of the biggest secret in Smurf history!
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Watch the Official Trailer
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