This week we are talking about all things camping related. The fall season is the perfect time of year to go camping with your family. Fall temperatures are often mild so you don’t have to worry about being too hot or cold when you are exploring and camping outdoors. It’s also a great way to teach your kids some valuable life lessons, just check out this post to learn what some of those lessons are: “5 Lessons Kids Can Learn From Camping.”
Here is some of the camping gear that I think it’s important for families to gather and pack before they take a camping trip. Of course, if you’re “glamping” instead of camping different items will be needed.
20 Practical Family Camping Resources and Supplies
When gathering your supplies think about the rules of camping. The basics are
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If you are camping with your family, then you should make sure that your tent is large enough for the entire family.
If it rains it is helpful to have portable pavillion or tarp over your tent to help reduce the amount of water that will get into your tent.
Sleeping bag
If you’re driving your car to a campsite and you don’t have to reduce the amount of items that you take with you, extra covers and blankets may make the experience a bit more pleasant.
According to it’s important to use sunscreen that is SPF 15 or higher and apply it at list 15 minutes prior to going outside.

Investing in a good quality lantern is better, the small cheep lanterns sometimes don’t offer enough light for you to adequately see what’s in front of you. Some lanterns are color-power where you can charge them in the day. Others are battery operated.
Camp Stove
Many campsites nowadays have electricity so you can cook on a camp stove. If there is no electricity you can use a portable camp stove with butane to keep the fire going.
Durable Dishes and Cookware
Try to keep the environment in mind and use washable utensils instead of disposable ones.
Air Mattress
Also, make sure your air mattress isn’t too large for the tent that you’re using.
Bring food that you like. Cook s’mores and enjoy the experience. Just keep in mind that depending on where you camp, it might be a good idea to store your food in special bear proof bags or in your car.
Using filter water bottles is excellent for camping and better for the environment then plastic single-use water bottles.
Fire starters
Starting a fire and keeping it going isn’t as easy as it sounds, but it can be if you have the right tools with you like fire starters.

Rain poncho
A small plastic rain poncho that is small and folder will do the trick just in case. If you’re absolutely expecting rain, then bring a more substantial raincoat.
First Aid Kit
Keep a compact first aid kid on hand and know how to use it.
Bug Repellant
When you’re outdoors you should prepare to keep bugs at bay by using insect repellant or bug bands.
Crank or Battery Operated Radio
It is helpful to have a crank radio with you just in case something happens to the digital devices that you may have on hand. If you’re using a battery operated radio remember to purchase batteries that fit. They now have crank radio models that will charge your cell phone and serve as a high powered flashlight as well.
It can be helpful to have a heavy duty flashlight on hand especially if you only take one lantern or do not have other sources of light.
The views may be spectacular or you may want to see the bird you hear, either way it’s helpful to have a pair of binoculars so you can get a closer look.
Extra Medication
If you are camping with someone with a medical condition that requires him or her to take medicine daily then you should be bring a little extra just in case something happy and you have to stay longer.
Weigh In About this Camping Supply List
Please let me know in the comment section what you’d add to this list
Camp Stove
Camping Pots
Butane (4pk)
Bug bands
4 D batteries (for flashlights)