5 Fun Summer Birthday Gifts for Your Daughter

Your daughter’s summer birthday is approaching, and you are searching for ways to make her day special. While you’re choosing her party theme and inviting guests, take a look at this list to find the perfect gift for your princess.


Girl's Gift Basket1. Picnic Kit

The sun is shining and the days are long, so summertime is the perfect time for a picnic. Get your little lady ready to dine outdoors by giving her a special picnic kit. This gift is especially fun because you can use your creativity. Pick up a picnic basket, add a blanket that features her favorite characters, and snatch up some plastic plates, silverware and cups in girly colors. You can even add a few of her favorite snacks to make the gift extra special.


Shimmertail2. Mermaid Swimming Suit

If the special girl in your life enjoys swimming, you are sure to delight her with her very own mermaid suit or mermaid tail. Wearing a mermaid tale turns a regular day at the pool into a fairy tale adventure. Shimmertail sells amazing mermaid swimming suits that include a swim tail, swim suit and mermaid gloves in a variety of colors. You could even get a mermaid tail blanket for her to wear on cooler summer nights.


3. Magnetic TilesMagnetic Tiles

Magnetic tiles are the perfect summer gift for a young lady with an engineering mind. These toys are both fun and educational. As she builds structures indoors or outdoors with her magnetic tiles, she’ll be exploring basic concepts of engineering and geometry without even realizing it!


4. Craft Box SubscriptionScreen Shot 2016-08-01 at 3.17.39 PM

Giving a craft box subscription is the summer birthday gift that keeps on giving year-round. Several companies offer these types of gifts on a subscription basis. Give her the first box on her birthday, and she’ll enjoy getting mail with her name on it as the year goes on. Craft kits range in theme from science to princesses, and doing crafts is a great way to get a break from the summer heat.


5. Gift a SandboxSandbox

Your special little girl loves the beach, but you might not be able to visit the coast every day. Fortunately, you can bring the joy of the beach to her by installing a sandbox for her birthday. Purchase a sandbox in a girly pink color, and she’ll know that it’s her special outdoor toy. To make the gift even more fun, include a pail, shovel, and sand toys.


You know your daughter better than anyone, so choose a gift that fits her personality and current developmental level. The best gifts don’t necessarily have to cost a fortune: They just have to fit your little one’s unique interests.

[notification type=”notification_info” ]This post was written by freelance writer Dixie Somers.[/notification]

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