This weeks post will be about family. Thanksgiving season is a holiday that helps celebrate our families. Thanksgiving also reminds us of the importance of having gratitude in our lives. It shouldn’t take us long to think of the blessings that we receive. For starters, we should be thankful for life, it’s simple but not everyone was able to wake up and share their love. We should be thankful for hope, having dreams and desires for the future keeps us going. Love, do you sometimes look around at those you love and see the joy of how blessed you all are to be in each others lives?
Not long ago, I mentioned my visit to St. Jude. The hospital gives me so much joy and fires me up to do for others. When visiting St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital a person cannot help but notice how fragile life is and that health is a blessings we shouldn’t take for granted. In fact, to be healthy enough to enjoy even simple things like eating is one of the greatest blessings of all. Because of my visits to St. Jude, everyday, I hug my children a little tighter and give them extra kisses. Living lives with your children and spouse is not a guarantee. Life isn’t promised.
Since my visit I willingly reflect on gratitude. I challenge you in the New Year and this holiday season to start a gratitude journal. Just think about your blessings. Also, this season I would love for you to join us (me and other St. Jude supporters) by sharing what you’re thankful for? On November 24, 2014 share what you’re thankful for with the hashtag #StJudeGiveThanks and invite your friends and family to do the same.
I’m truly thankful for my family!

Download and share your own

Other ways to support St. Jude throughout the St. Jude Thanks and Giving campaign, including:
Adding a donation at registers during the checkout process while shopping at participating partners where you see the St. Jude logo. Visit for a complete list of participating partners.
Purchasing specialty merchandise at participating partners or at the St. Jude Gift Shop to benefit St. Jude.
Donating online at or calling 1-800-4STJUDE.
Making a donation in memory or honor of a loved one and sending a special St. Jude Thanks and Giving tribute card. Tribute cards can be found on
Participating in the St. Jude Give thanks. Walk.TM, the official kickoff event for the St. Jude Thanks and Giving campaign held on Saturday, Nov. 23 in 75 communities nationwide. Supporters join together for this family friendly 5K during the holidays as teams and individuals to help raise funds for the kids of St. Jude. National partner teams include New York and Company, Brooks Brothers and Visit for a complete list of locations.
MT @StJude: Our friends @CVSinAction are supporting #StJudeGiveThanks & you can too! Click, RT and they’ll donate $1.
— CVS in the Community (@CVSinAction) November 24, 2014