Every year I set aspirations and plans for new possibilities in my life. I look forward to creating the list because it is my first step to actually achieve my goals. Putting my thoughts to paper or on screen makes them more real so that I am reminded to keep them. Throughout the year the list serves as a compass to keep me focused. This year I have drafted the following list. I am sure that it will continue to revolve, but for now it is a start.
Take a course in financial planning.
I enjoy learning about financial literacy and could use more knowledge about retirement planning and saving for my daughters’ future.
Find a way to mentor someone younger than me.
Growing up I really needed a mentor, but found positive people around me that encouraged me. I also looked for positive messages that I could apply to my life from books and TV.
This year I would like to find more out about myself and my talents.
After high school and college. I lost sight of my talents and became more introverted.
Take risks.
I am afraid to take most risk; instead, I spend a considerable amount of time weighing my options and rationalizing if the risk is worth spending my time on it.
Write several books for children, and possibly one novel.
I wrote one book this year, but I need to get it illustrated.
Do more volunteer work outside of home.
I enjoy helping others but I didn’t feel comfortable the past two years working a lot out in the community because my children were young. Now, that they are older I can leave them with my husband and volunteer more from time to time.
Travel out of the country at least once this year or go somewhere we have not been in this country.
Hopefully, during the Fall of 2011 we can take a family trip or cruise. I would love to go to Yellowstone National Park. Although it is here in America, I have passed up opportunities in the past to visit the park, but I would to take my children to see its majestic beauty.
Blog more.
Maybe not everyday, but write several post when the mood hits me and possibly schedule them so that my blog will be updated more regularly. I also what to come up with some unique and cool feature for my blog that my readers will like.
I would like to earn my Masters in something, I am just not sure what I am passionate about enough to go back to school.
In theory it seems like a good idea, but I have to make sure that I would be attending school for the right reasons.
Start a nonprofit for young mothers that cannot afford a breast pump and would like one.
The program would also involve pairing the mother up with an older more experienced mom that breastfed her child/children.
I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network blogging program, for a $50 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.
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