Laundry Detergent: Which One Do You Vouch For?

I am interested in learning which laundry detergent works best for getting your children’s clothes to look clean, smell fresh, and remain soft.  I usually buy detergent once a year when it is on sell. When I look for a laundry detergent I keep each feature listed above in mind, but I also like to keep the price low. I have used almost every detergent on the market, but recently I have been using Purex Complete 3-in-1.

I like the Purex 3-in-1 laundry sheets because they keep my clothes clean and fresh, but I don’t like the let over laundry sheet because it is just adding more waste to the dump. Also, I normally spend a lot of time trying to pre-treat stains before I wash them. This new year I am planning to use my time more efficiently and finding a new laundry detergent that will get stains out will little-to-no prep work is very important to me.

Please feel free to share your story and let me know which laundry detergent you think works best and is a great time saver.

If you are interested in getting a free sample of Purex 3-in-1 laundry sheets click here.

Thanks in advance!

5 thoughts on “Laundry Detergent: Which One Do You Vouch For?”

  1. I use the Purex 3 in 1 too. I love it. I step is all the time I have with 2 girls hunting me down all day. I’m going out tomorrow to buy 6 more boxes. I’m down to my last 3 now.

    Do you remember Fab 1 shot, from back in 1987? I loved those too. So genius!

    1. Thanks for visiting my site. I am going to head over to RiteAid today because Purex’s 3-in-1 laundry sheets are on sale by one get the second one Free.

  2. Hey lady thanks for stopping by and visiting. I absolutely love the Purex 3in1. It was a clever idea and saves many busy moms time and money. I just recently taught my son to wash his clothes (11 years old) so that he could learn the concept and that’s what brought me to buy the Purex 3in1 so that it wouldn’t be complicated for him and I’m happy with the end results. It couldn’t be any easier. I just liked you on facebook and I’m following you via network blogs as well and I’m already following you via GFC.

    Enjoy your Weekend!!!

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