10 Tips to Get Your Kids Reading This Summer

Source: Digitalart, freedigitalphotos.net

Even when your children are infants, I believe that they need to start becoming familiar with books.  Short one word picture books are interesting to babies and will began to set a foundation that you should cultivate as they grow. Personally,  I want my children to love books and love reading so I am sharing my love for books with them now. Here are some summer reading tips that you may find interesting.

1. Make sure your children see you reading. If children see their parents reading it will be easier for them to follow in your footsteps and develop their reading skills.  When I reflect on my own childhood, my mother used to read to us a lot; as a result, she also encouraged me to read as well. I plan to instill a good reading foundation for my two girls

2. Introduce your children to age appropriate books. Regardless of how young your children are encourage them to look through picture books on their own. Ask them to pick out a book and tell you a story,  it is funny to hear what they come up with.

3.  Read to your children a lot. Read to your children every chance you can.  It is good quality time that benefits parents and children. The books express a variety of concepts and emotions so your child will be constantly learning new information.

4.  Let your child pick out  some of their own books. This will help them develop a sense of autonomy and encourage your children to find their own interests.

5. Go to the library. My girls love going places and the library opens the door for them to develop their imagination.  Most libraries have a summer reading program to keep children in the habit of reading year round. The prizes offered are a great incentive and keep children excited.

6.  Put reading books on your daily schedule. Children love routines and scheduling book time provides endless fun and promotes consistency.

7.  Put your child to bed with a story. A story at bedtimes helps you and your child spend quality time together. It also help them establish a consistent routine.

8.  Reward your children by giving them books. Books are great gifts and can be enjoyed over and over.

9.  Once your children are able to read on their own, listen to them. Children love attention and this will increase your parent/child bond. Listening to your children read will also let them know that they are important to you.

10.  Encourage your child to make his or her own book during the summer. This is a fun activity that you can do with your child or your child can do on his or her own. This project also helps encourage creativity.

“I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms blogging program to be eligible to get an “I Can Read!” book. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”

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