Ubiquitous Health and Beauty Expo 2017

Ubiquitous Health and Beauty Expo 2017

Last year I heard about the Ubiquitous Health and Beauty Expo for the first time. To best describe the Expo you must unpack the name “ubiquitous” first. In fact, Merriam-Webster describes the word as “existing or being everywhere at the same time: constantly encountered.” Have you ever felt like the messages of beauty were pervasive? If you log-on to any social media network on any platform, you’re sure to receive a message that pertains to beauty within a couple of seconds. The Ubiquitous Expo capitalized on the fact that members of our society obsessively think about beauty. To take it a step further the Expo not only delivers a solid gathering for people interested in hair and beauty, but it provides a balanced approach by also sharing messages of health as well.

Ubiquitous Health and Beauty Expo 2017

The Largest Health and Beauty Expo On the East Coast

If you ever get a chance to visit one of the largest health and beauty expo events on the east coast then you’ll immediately see the fantastic environment of stellar vendors who often send their original inventors and creators to meet their favorite consumers. The expo gives people a chance to know the “why” behind a person’s brand by seeing and engaging with them in person, which is an invaluable experience. For many of us loyal consumers, to shake hands with and talk candidly with entrepreneurs that look like us whom we can relate with confirms our loyalty for years to come.

Eden Body Works _ Ubi Expo

Eden Body Works was one of the first vendor booths that I visited. Their products are great for my daughters’ hair. For frugal moms like me, the Expo is a great place to get new discounted products to try. With the deep discounts, customers are able to stock up on their favorite products.

Networking and Interaction With Business Owners Whom You Can Relate To

For me, one such experience that did just that was being able to interact with Semirah from “His Inspiration Wrap Skirts.” To feel the workmanship of the cloth of the wraps being sold takes the buying experience a step further. Not only can you see the vibrant colors in person, but the fabric itself is thick and sturdy to last a person for a long time. In addition, Semirah, the owner gives tutorials on just how to wear her beautiful wrap skirts several ways. For instance, the skirt, is super versatile and wrapped as a dress as well.

Furthermore, here’s the fabulous tutorial of Semirah showing one of her customers how to wrap the dress:

Luster’s Is a Family Owned Brand That Continues To Serve Its Customers

As an entrepreneur myself, given the opportunity to see other self-made men and women in the hall, confirmed that I’ll also have a chance to realize my own dreams.

Preventative Health Measures

Additionally, there were round table discussions about health and vendors who shared information about preventative screenings. CVS gave people a chance to check their glucose, BMI, Chlorestoral, and Blood Pressure.


Other Pictures from The Day At The Expo: 


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