There’s no point telling you how insanely hectic the pace of modern life is, because you’re probably already aware. Instead, I want to urge you to make the most of every opportunity you get to recharge your batteries and relax.
If you can schedule, in a 24-hour period, to put your focus on your mental and physical health and almost nothing else, it could make a big difference to help you feel rejuvenated.
Here is an overview of why it helps to take time out, plus a look at activities and strategies that can help you relax your mind and lift your spirits.
The First Strategy is to Balance Your Life
There are plenty of studies that all seem to confirm that if you make a concerted effort to look after yourself and manage to find a good work/life balance, you are likely to be more productive at work and happier overall. In fact, “people who feel they have good work-life balance work 21% harder than those who don’t, according to a survey from the Corporate Executive Board, which represents 80% of Fortune 500 companies” (Robinson).
[tweetthis]”People who feel they have good work-life balance work 21% harder than those who don’t” ~ @CleverlyChangin[/tweetthis]
Looking after your mental health is important. Even just one day off, occasionally, where you take yourself out of your normal routine, can often be enough to reset your mind and spirits, so you feel refreshed and ready to go again.
When you think about it, you take a day off when you are feeling sick, so you should adopt the same mindset when it comes to keeping your mental health in check.
Our Second Strategy is to Schedule Some Extra Snooze Time
If you have given yourself 24 hours to unwind and clear your mind of the usual stresses it makes a lot of sense to divide a bit of the day to catch up on some lost sleep. Don’t set the alarm the night before and allow yourself the luxury of a few extra hours in bed and the opportunity to wake up naturally when you are ready to do so.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with sleeping longer or even napping at some point in the day. Thus, taking time out during your 24-hour day to rest and recuperate is likely to boost your energy levels and general well-being. Did you know that “a six-year Greek study found that those who took a 30-minute siesta at least three times a week had a 37% lower risk of heart-related death” (“BBC NEWS | Health | Afternoon Nap ‘Is Good For Heart'”)
Our Third and Final Strategy is to Enjoy Being Home alone
You love having your family around you and wouldn’t have it any other way, but on your day off you could use a few minutes of alone time. Carving out an hour or two for alone means you can truly relax without any interruptions or being asked to do something. A kid-free and spouse-free zone for a decent part of the day should be your aim, and it will make you feel even more welcoming when they return if you feel re-energized. I love this quote from Katrina Kenison, “Solitude is the soul’s holiday, an opportunity to stop doing for others and to surprise and delight ourselves instead.”
If you don’t have any interruptions to contend with you might want to consider a relaxing activity that encourages mindfulness. You can learn more about an adult coloring book app to use as a way of engaging in an activity that most of us enjoy. Coloring also helps clear your mind and encourages you to relax.
If you want to get some gentle physical exercise on your day off, maybe a trip to the beach on your own might do the trick, but try to pick a quiet spot so you get the chance to enjoy the scenery and gather your thoughts.
There are lots of calming and relaxing ways to give your mental health a boost, so get the diary out and pick a date where you get the chance to take a day off from your usual routine.
Overall, when trying to refresh your body and rejuvenate your soul it is best to take a step back and look at everything on you face day-in and day-out. Evaluate and try to balance what you want in your professional career and your home life. It’s also helpful to get the rest you need so that you feel alert when making decisions. Lastly, a few moments alone will work wonders to put everything into it’s proper prospective while you’re away from distractions.
Robinson, Joe. “The Scientific Link Between Work-Life Balance, Employee Engagement, And Productivity”. N.p., 2017. Web. 14 Apr. 2017.
“BBC NEWS | Health | Afternoon Nap ‘Is Good For Heart'”. N.p., 2017. Web. 14 Apr. 2017.
“Why You Must Have Time Alone”. N.p., 2017. Web. 14 Apr. 2017.
*Post images are from
Jenny is a freelance writer who enjoys writing about health and wellness. She also enjoys reading and long walks on the beach. Thanks so much for sharing your insight on self-care.
Wonderful tips! I use all of these and it really works. Balance is key! Thanks for sharing.
It is hard for me but I definitely want to make more time for myself. I will be making the effort to find the right sitter so I can make this happen.
Great tips & I love mediating and spending time by myself. To help me get away from all noise life can bring.
“get away from all noise”Yes, that is difficult of me also. It is hard to focus on the right subject without interruptions forced on us.
“Me”time is my favorite but it’s hard especially if there are small kids around! Thanks for sharing these great tips.
All of this! Yes! My favorite is quiet time to myself and sleep. It’s the ultimate form of self-care in my eyes!
A work / life balance is so important! I’ve been penciling myself in a lot more so I can meet my fitness goals. Great read!
I’m terrible at work life balance but I know it. Although I don’t always hit my goals I’m constantly trying. Sleep is a struggle and I need fitness desperately.
Funny I would read this at this moment… as im working from home because I’m starting to come down with a cold. It’s easier for me to practice self care with place of employment that supports that. Thanks for sharing these tips!
There are difficult decisions. What I see recently is the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. I had a college send students to live in my house, and I was required to take them there, but my attempt to prevent a woman’s abuse make a rich man with money to the college cause me being put in jail just for following requirements and taking a student there. Then I was charged so much money I could not afford enough food. I did nothing wrong, and will continue my life doing what is right regardless of the consequences.
Later my son had an accusation from the same location of using food stamps at the wrong time. Someone had modified something in the program, so he was found innocent in trial for what was just a “technical error”. Living on minimum wages he had to pay $3700 for all of this.
It will be more than a year before we can pay the charges after neither of us did anything to cause it.