Regardless of whether or not your child attends a public, private, or home school it is important to start the school year off with enthusiasm and vigor. After you have talked to your child about their upcoming goals, expectations and desires for the upcoming year what can you do next to give him or her a fresh start? Here are a few tips that I have learned over the years that will help keep your child on the right path this school year.
1. Develop a relationship with your child’s teacher
Getting to know your child’s teacher can be a critical aspect to encourage success in the classroom for your child. While there may be a number of reasons to befriend your child’s teacher one important reason is it helps your child understand that there is an open-door policy between the teacher and you. This will also help improve behavior and confidence in the classroom.
2. Help your child set up a consistent homework routine
Some students’ personalities automatically allow them to develop their own working routine for schoolwork and homework. While other students may need their parents guidance to help them set up an efficient routine. Observe your child’s natural habits and develop a routine that is unique to them, not something that just works for you.
3. Work with your child to stay organized
Many students would receive better grades by being organized. If you have elementary-school aged children it is during these years they learn to turn their homework in on time and keep up with their papers and assignments. Help them start creating good habits now. Periodically check your child’s backpack and discourage him or her from stuffing random papers inside. Also make sure your child’s work is ready and in place for the next day of school before your child goes to bed each night.
4. Don’t leave learning for the classroom only
Stay in tune with what your child is learning about and supplement his or her classroom education with books, field trips, videos, etc. Taking this one step further will help reiterate the lessons you are trying to teach your child. It will also help keep you from feeling like your child’s learning is only based on standardized test. Keep an eye out for other resources they can benefit you and your child. For example, Sylvan Learning’s blog, has great resources, tips, tricks and useful information for moms.
5. Create a system of praise
Make sure you share how much you love your child . Positive words of affirmation and hugs can go a long way. Part of doing well in school is, believing that you are capable of achieving success. Write personalized letters or notes to your children to let them know they are on your mind and you are praying for their success. Fact, when our children leave our side we never have 100% proof they will return. Don’t allow this to depress you, but let your last moments with your child always be thoughtful and joyous.
6. Keep the communication lines open between you and your child
Children long for their parents approval, and parents long to stay connected with their children. In order to keep both kid and parent happy start a listening zone. The listening time could occur during, breakfast, on the way to school, after a bedtime story, during bath time, the times are different for each family and their lifestyle but the goal will be the same, JUST LISTEN. For some parents you may need to avoid the urge to correct your child during this time. Avoid the need to interject with something else you think is important. Avoid the interruptions of your telephone or computer let this time be between you and your child. When appropriate, it is OK to say, what other ways could you have handled the situation? Or how did that make you feel? But keep the questions open-ended which will encourage the child to come up with other outcomes on his or her own. Allow your child to make mistakes, but to learn from those mistakes and figure out how to make better decisions. Instead of verbally telling your child what he or she could do, listen to your child reason on his or her own how to problem solve.
7. Lastly, support each other
Every person wants to feel support and a great place to start is at home. Supporting your child at home with help him or her feel support at school. Reader response: What are some of your unique back to school tips?
“The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg was named one of the best books of the year by The Wall Street Journal and Financial Times.
This post previously included a giveaway sponsored by Sylvan Learning Center.
I like the Money Matters Blog Post because the post provides great tips about teaching little one s finance. One of my favorite tips is to be a role model.
These are great tips! Thank you for sharing. Would love to get this book!
Thanks Kelli, for visiting my site and you are now entered into the giveaway for the book. Also thanks for reading my post. All the best to you and your family!
Congratulations Kelli, you are the selected winner!