On occasions we find books that change us. Books that cause us to reflect on our own thoughts and actions. Books that challenge us to evaluate our own ideals. “Couples Who Pray” changed my heart. Of course, praying with your spouse is extremely important; of course, it is a vulnerable act, but is it really the most intimate act you can have with your spouse?
When I first read that statement I was hesitant to believe it. However, over time I have come not only to agree with it, but I am humbled by it as well. Many people would agree that marriage can be difficult, but not all would say that prayer is the secret elixir to cure an ailing marriage. This book proves their hypothesis with various stories from many couples that are well known and who are holding on to their marriages, trusting, communicating, and proving that this challenge has some validity.
This book is not a snob appeal to brag about their success; while the rest of the world seems to have gotten it wrong. Instead, it is an open testimony that these couples are choosing to share with the world. They are not claiming to have all of the answers; neither are they spilling the juicy details of their marriages. The couples mentioned are letting go of their busy hectic lives, thinking positive about each other, and putting God first, together. That’s it. For at least 5 minutes a day they are focusing on blessings, on positives, on triumphs and highlighting the best in their spouse before God.
For me, the premise behind the book makes perfect sense, if God can see the best in me, in return I am suppose to return that same grace to my spouse and see the best in others as well. The result of the positive being accentuated has an amazing affect on us. We become better people, kinder, more loving, more trustworthy etc. Overall, I am left with a challenge to let my husband know how much I appreciate the good in him; while at the same time trying to grow closer to God.
Would I recommend this book? Absolutely. Although we have not taken the 40 day prayer challenge, I know that when we are ready to, astounding results will follow. One of the passages that sticks with me is “The intimacy of couples praying is like none other . . . For instance, no one on earth feels exactly the same way I feel about our children–except my husband. My husband is, therefore, my covering. Our joint prayers create not only a greater closeness, but they build a fortress of protection around us” (pg. 116).
Marriage is one thing in life that no one has all of the answers to. Every married couple on this planet is on a path trying to figure things out as they go along. Prayer just helps us walk side-by-side in the same direction.
Disclosure: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255