The Children’s Place Save 25% off when you spend $50 or more. Exp 8/21/11. Online coupon code is Q6E2011, Click Here for printable coupon.Go through Ebates for an extra 2.5% cash back.
The Limited – All pants, jeans, and skirts buy 1 get 1 50% off. In stores that have the a peel and deal promotion, a sales clerk will give you a card with a hidden promotion, up to 50% off (8/21/11 is the last day cards are given out). Free Shipping on online over $100. Go through Ebates for an extra 2.5% cash back.
Old Navy, GAP, and Banana Republic are saying thank you to their customers with 30% off of online orders. Exp. 8/24/11 Coupon code is: THANKS. Old Navy Jean sale – Adult basic jeans start at $15 and kids start at $10. Uniform attire starts at $5 (all of these offers end 8/24/11). Go through Ebates for an extra 2% cash back.
Baby Gap – Get 40% off the regular priced greenwich collection (Exp 8/24/11). Only valid in stores. Go through Ebates for an extra 2% cash back.
Bare Necessities – Today 8/21/11 go through Ebates & receive 8% Cash Back. Their Swim Clearance is 70% off & take an extra 50% off of Clearance price. Here is an additional Coupon code for 50% off all clearance items EXTRA50 (this code Exp. 8/25/11). Women they also have a DD bra clearance sale as well.
Carol’s Daughter – The Tui More Manageable Hair set is on sale for $31.03 (original price is $36.50) Get an extra 15% off when you use this coupon code at checkout: BRADSDEALS15 (the cost of the hair set will then be: $26.38). Go through Ebates for an extra 6.5% cash back, and get free shipping when you spend over $25.
Target deals – Some really good buys under $20 @Target are: $3.50 Room Essentials fast dry bath towels (w/ pretty bright colors). Basic Chefmate appliances (coffeemaker, sandwich maker, & waffle maker) $8 each. Room Essentials (RE) task chair $17, RE storage ottoman $14. RE Plush pillows $3.50, $18 XL twin Duvet set. RE Thermal Window panels $9 each, Click here for coupon match ups. Go through Ebates for an extra 3% cash back.
Victoria Secrets – Swim sale is $9.99 and up. Go through Ebates for an extra 2% cash back.
Bath & Body Works – Today Only $1 shipping on orders over $25. They have new fall Wall air fresheners for 4for$20, 6for$24. Antibacterial soap 5 for $14 or 7 for $20. Their Signature Collection is Buy 3, get 2 free. Go through Ebates for an extra 3% cash back.
Drugstore.com, Free shipping over $25. like Resolve, Lysol wipes, Finish, Air Wick, etc. On your purchases you automatically earn 5% back in dollars which have to be used online at or beauty.com. Exp 8/31/11. Go through Ebates for an extra 8% cash back.
Family Christian Stores – Exp. 9/4/11 Save 25% off your entire purchase of regular-priced items. (coupon code 125757357)
Chicos – Friends and Family 15% off savings event. 15% off of everything (coupon code is 11371) Go through Ebates for an extra 2% cash back.
Canvas People – Free 8 X 10 just in time for a back to school canvas. (Shipping is between 14.95 and $20 or more to ship to your location)
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