My #1 disdain is debt. I simply detest it. Unfortunately, I have seen so many people I love lessen the quality of their lives because they are in debt.
Sometimes you may find that you have money to cover your needs, but when an emergency arrives you cannot handle it or funding the emergency drives your finances under water. I am introducing you to a 21-day financial fast I found on the Washington Post. My husband sent me the article because he knew that I would want to try it out. This fast is for anyone that would like to manage their money better.
I often post daily deals and get consumed somewhat by getting a good deal on sale items so this fast will help me not succumb to deals that I don’t need. I also plan to go a step further and bank the savings that I make while using coupons, discount codes, and other saving mechanisms when I purchase my necessities.
Usually, people have more strength in numbers so I am extending the fast to you. Next Friday, July 15, 2011 I would like us to start a 7-day fast. I eventually would like to extend it to 21-days, but I think starting with 1 week is more feasible. If you are interested leave a comment below. As the financial fast commences I will be accepting testimonial guest posts on my blog. Email me at contact@cleverlychanging.com if you would like to share your experience as it relates to the financial fast.
Read the article (Michelle Singletary lays out the specifics).
Write a budget. Here is a link to a budget worksheet. (Earlier this year Wes Brown did a 5 part budget series that I encourage you to check out).
Only buy necessities, which are food (no fast food), hygiene items, and medication.
Don’t use your credit card, pay cash. Get cash from your bank so that you will not incur ATM fees
No online or window shopping.
No getting hair, nails, or make up done outside of doing these things for yourself.
If it is optional it can wait until another time.
Leave a comment letting me know if you would like to participate.
1. Add this button to your site:

2. Write a post about it encouraging your friends, family, and readers to participate.
3. Follow Cleverly Changing on Twitter/Facebook to get daily and encouraging updates throughout the fast. Use Twitter hashtag: 7d2c (the tag is short for 7 Days 2 Change).
4. Link Up