Does the word budget make you want to cringe? Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Today’s Finance Topic discusses how to get started on your home budget. Personal finance doesn’t have to be tricky. The best way to achieve your financial goals is to have a plan. A good budget gives you an opportunity to be disciplined and have steps in place so you’ll know where your money is going and what is coming in.

For expenses incurred more or less often than monthly, convert the payment to a monthly amount when calculating the monthly budget. For instance, convert auto expense that’s billed every six months to a monthly amount by dividing the six-month premium by six. This money should be kept separate from your other money so it’s available when the bill becomes due. BASIC BUDGET WORKSHEET For expenses incurred more or less often than monthly, convert the payment to a monthly amount when calculating the monthly budget. For instance, convert auto expense that’s billed every six months to a monthly amount by dividing the six-month premium by six. This money should be kept separate from your other money so it’s available when the bill becomes due.