I have often heard about consignment shops and the good deals that are offered, but a couple weeks ago was my first time visiting one. My husband and I were out and about, and we needed to stop by CVS. When we did, I noticed a consignment shop practically next door. The shop was small, but quaint and cute. Upon entering I felt a common camaraderie with the other shoppers.
I was amazed to see the dozens of different items being sold in the shop. There were the usual items like strollers, bouncers, baby slings, tons of clothes, and gently used toys. However they also had specialty items such as the often coveted Sophie Giraffe Teethers, organic clothing, clothe diapers, lunch boxes, nursing wraps, and some items I wasn’t sure what they were. The store was really cute, and I truly felt compelled to buy something my kids needed.
I was looking through the bathing suits when I noticed, the tags listed when the items would go on sale or whether they were already on sale. I also found two adorable bathing suits for the girls. Nope, I didn’t find matching ones, but I did find two that were similar in style so I thought they would work perfectly. When I went to the check out to buy the swimming suits I was told that one was on sell for 20% off so I only paid $3 for it. I also saw on my receipt that I earned $1 in come back bucks.
I really like good deals so I will be returning to Greenberries to check out their new selection of items and use my come back bucks.The store also stole my heart when I noticed and read about their green initiative. I love supporting stores that are conscious about the environment and ones that share my own values.