
Avent Bottles

What I loved about the product? Naturally shaped soft wide nipple Different size bottles to choose from These bottles will grow with your child.  When your child reaches the sippy-cup stage you only need to buy the attachments to use with these bottles instead of a totally new set.

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Everyone needs groceries and coupon clipping can save money but is time consuming.  Going to the grocery store is something that I rarely find time to do, so I write a list and send my husband, or I use Peapod. Peapod offers great flexibility.  I can buy groceries while watching my daughters play.  I also

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Your Baby Can Read

When my children were 4 months old I purchased the Your Baby Can Read system.  I thought to myself, if I can give my children an advantage in this world, why not.  I was a bit skeptical when I saw the infomercials while I was pregnant, but the more I thought about the process of

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