I’m thrilled to announce that Season 3 starts today. During this season we will speak with experts who share with the cleverlychanging listeners how they got started in their respective fields. Today’s guest is Davina Hamilton who went from being a journalist to author.
Intro (00:00)
(03:32) The African proverb for this week’s podcast goes as follows:
“A baby on its mother’s back does not know the way is long.” ~ African Proverb
Word of the Episode (3:50)
Mahali salama means safe place in Swahili.

The Grown Folks Section: (04:20) From Journalist to Author.
Davina Hamilton went from journalist to author. Her books are loved internationally. She is a the former Entertainment Editor for British publication, The Voice newspaper, Davina spent 14 years with the company, before making her foray into the world of children’s literature. 2017 saw the release of her critically acclaimed debut children’s book, Riley Can Be Anything. Her follow-up title, Riley Knows He Can was released in 2018, and her upcoming new book, Ella Has A Plan will be released in October 2020. Hailing from London, UK, Davina now resides in Toronto, Canada with her husband and their two children.
Reader Participation
Watch Nathan Byron read Davina’s book ” Riley Knows He Can!” during this video reading:
Support Davina and Buy Her Books
Riley Can Be Anything – Read my post about the book:
Review Riley Can Be Anything By Davina Hamilton
Riley Knows He Can
Ella Has A Plan
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Season 2
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