Our guest for The Cleverly Changing Podcast Episode 29 is extraordinary. She is a working mother and homeschool champion. She is a former respiratory therapist who is now an entrepreneur. In this episode, she discusses how she teaches multiple grades (Preschool through High School) and raises an academically gifted son.
Intro (00:00)
The African proverb for this week’s podcast goes as follows:
We desire to bequest two things to our children — the first one is roots; the other one is wings. ~Sudanese Proverb
Word of the Episode (2:18)
Mtoto means baby in Swahili.
Cleverly Cultured Kids (2:33)
The Cleverly Cultured Kids guest today is Michael a 13-year-old who has always been homeschooled fro preschool through high school.

Grown Folks Talk (8:50)
On Episode 29, I spoke with Ayo, a mom of six who has homeschooled her children for many years. She is currently homeschooling grades preschool through high school. Listen to her story and learn how moms with children who are multiple ages make it work.
Connect with Ayo Online
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