Not all stress is negative, in fact, some stress is an important tool to help motivate us. Stress can drive you to act, move, or make changes. Sometimes too much stress can cause anxiety. There are even times when we can become so overwhelmed that we are unsure of where to turn next. The fact remains, that stress in our lives is inevitable so how we deal with it matters greatly to our quality of life.
When I think back to the most stressful times in myself it was definitely, when my closest family members were having major health issues and assisting them to get better seemed outside of my control. Regardless of what may be causing your stress, there are some tools you can use to help you reduce stress. While my number one favorite tool is an expensive one, getting a professional massage, I have tried several free techniques that I incorporate into my daily routine. Thankfully, the methods below help provide a person with a more relaxed life.
Here are 5 Free Ways to Reduce Stress
Sometimes we are stressed because we have not asked others for help. When people reach out to help, don’t be bashful allow them to assist you and provide them with clear instructions, so you won’t be frustrated with their efforts.
Also, using a service like Amazon Grocery can save you some time and reduce stress by having your food delivered to you door.
This one is my favorite. I love to smile and laugh, a good thought brightens my mood. Finding something positive that encourages you to laugh will automatically lift your spirits.
Proverbs 17:22 states “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”
Getting out and moving your body helps lessen stressors. In fact, it is commonly known that exercising produces endorphins that can trigger help stabilize your mood. The chemicals produced while exercising encourages you to feel better.
Sometimes when stressful situations have you feeling anxious and uncertain, it is important to find a place within yourself to be quiet and meditate. Prayer works too. WebMD shares that “Meditation is a simple technique that, if practiced for as few as 10 minutes each day, can help you control stress, decrease anxiety, improve cardiovascular health, and achieve a greater capacity for relaxation” (“Meditation, Stress, And Your Health”).
There are several meditation techniques that work, such as repeating the same word for around ten minutes. Staring at the same focal point. Sitting still, closing your eyes, and breathing deeply while your mind focuses on your own thoughts. Yoga and walking mediations can work as well.
Telehealth Visits
The final tool I’m sharing that will help you reduce the stress in your life is telemedicine visits. Yep, your insurance may offer free telemedicine visits with a licensed mental health professional. Also, according to the 2013 Journal of Affective Disorders.”Data show virtual mental health counseling is at least as effective — and in some cases, more than — treating depression as traditional face-to-face” (“The Role Of Telemedicine In Mental Health”). So if you can’t carve out the time to physically visit a therapist, at least try to see one virtually.
Telehealth/telemedicine is great because if you need to talk to a professional about anything, they can be available quickly and conveniently with the use of digital technology. The best part is that you don’t have to leave the comfort of your own home. Just contact your health insurance provider and see if this is a benefit that is covered under your plan. There are even some discount plans that provide 10-minute telehealth services for free.
Reader Question
When you need a mental health break what do you do? Also, what tools are techniques help you reduce your stress?
“The Role Of Telemedicine In Mental Health”. Healthitoutcomes.Com, 2018, Accessed 11 Oct 2018.