Health Moment: Simple Ways to Grow Strong Bones

What does the RDA recommend for the amount of calcium you need?

Bones are the strongest part of a person’s body and they become weaker with age. Calcium and Vitamin D are the main vitamin sources that help bones grow stronger. Calcium builds the bone tissue and vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. These two nutrients are essential for the healthy bones.  Research has proven that the more you jump the stronger yours bone become. Although, it’s not easy to jump on a regular basis as your grow older it is important that you try to boost the density of your bones.  

How Much Calcium Should You Add To Your Diet?

In fact, bone building is high when you’re young and then the aging process reduces bone density after the age of 25. At 20 or 30 jumping is fine but as the body reaches 50 bone density breaks down and the person is at risk of getting osteoporosis. Thankfully, bones can get stronger at any age.  Even after crossing 25 and 30 years old. Make your bones stronger, by taking calcium vitamins as a child, typically between 1 – 18 years (required dose 700-1300mg) and between 19 to 70 years. The suggested required dose of Calcium to take is about 1000mg to 1200mg.

Another simple way to make your bones strong involves adding more calcium and Vitamin D through your food intake. Some foods rich in calcium and vitamin D are Yogurt, cottage cheese, and low-fat dairy foods. By adding calcium to your diet with dairy products and seafood like sardines, perch, rainbow & salmon fish your body will not have to rely solely on supplements but will be able to gain the needed nutrients through an organic approach.

Simple Ways to Grow Health Bones

What Are Other Ways That You Can Strengthen Your Bones?

Weight lifting will allow your body to build strong muscles and a toned body. The stronger your muscle the stronger your body. Gina Shaw on WebMD encourages people to not just walk for exercise as they age but to develop an active aerobics schedule as well. On their site they share a 7-minute slideshow of some exercises  you can do, which can help increase bone mass. Thus, to avoid bone deficiency you should include calcium and vitamin supplements too. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium required in our bones, which are found high in the food like spinach, soybeans, white beans, oatmeal, oranges & egg yolks.

Exercise is the key to physical and mental fitness; you must exercise for your bones to develop and grow stronger even as a person ages. Regular exercise of 20 to 40 minutes will boost the energy and activate the cells and bone tissue to become stronger. Running activity is high in speed and helps building the bone tissue stronger equipment treadmill and cycle will increase the physical activity. Nordictrack freestride Trainer is among the top equipment to be brought to the house for the regular walking or jogging activity Nordictrack Treadmill Reviews will help you to pick up the best product and it is the brand which has gain lot of trust.

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