One Day Instagram Giveaway: None Like Him

Celebrating 6 yrs Blogging Banner

Today May 10 is my 6th year blogging anniversary. Everyone starts their blog for different reasons: to make money, write, network, connect with others, etc. I started my blog 6 years ago because I felt like it was my calling to build a community, empower others, and share the blessings of God. My blog is a lifestyle blog and not solely apart of the typical Christian niche, but I share my experiences as I seek after God to be the best parent, wife, and citizen I can be. There are some unique lessons I have learned throughout my life and I take time to share my testimony with whomever is willing to listen.

While many bloggers, take their anniversary to give something tangible, on my anniversary I want to give a book that has blessed me to be a better person. When this life is all said and done, I want others to think of me and know that I was genuine and sincere. I want others to know I love my Creator and I try to live my life to edify my Savior. Thus, None Like Him by Jen Wilkin is just the book to take your spiritual understanding to another level. Feel free to read my review of the book. I’m constantly searching to see the love of God manifested in my experiences and the experiences people I encounter, so I want you to join the journey of seeking after Christ. It’s truly the best gift I can ever give you.

Instagram Giveaway

Cleverly Changing's None Like Him Instagram giveaway

Enter To Win None Like Him by Jen Wilkin?

This Instagram giveaway will only last for 1 day. May 10, all day, until 11:59pm you will be able to enter on Instagram. If you don’t have Instagram, you can leave a comment below on this post to let me know you would like to win the book. In addition, if my blog has blessed you in any way, please share how in the comment section as well. 

Thank you for taking time to enter my community through my blog, I pray that we all will continue to grow and learn together. May you be continually blessed!


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