Wise Guys by Kent Evans Book Review

Wise Guys by Kent Evans #Review

First and foremost, if we are given an opportunity to have a mentor in life we should. Wise Guys supports the mindset that relationships matter greatly in a person’s life. Learning from the experiences of others is a mark of a wise person. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines wisdom in three different ways:

Wise Guys by Kent EvansFirst it states, wisdom is: 

  • knowledge that is gained by having many experiences in life

Secondly, wisdom is

  • the natural ability to understand things that most other people cannot understand

Lastly, wisdom is

  • knowledge of what is proper or reasonable: good sense or judgment

Wouldn’t it be great to go through life feeling like you have mastered all three. While most of us cannot gloat that we have mastered wisdom, we can find assurance knowing that wisdom is free and anyone who wants to obtain it can do so upon his or her own free will. Wise Guys by Kent Evans, tells us exactly how we can go through life and gain wisdom from a variety of different sources, so that we mold our characters, for the better, in the process.

Kent is a man who is willing to recognize what he needs in life and ask for help. Kent, like many of us, faced self-disappointment and had a tendency to over commit. He didn’t allow his situations of failure to shape his life. Instead, he used those poor reflections of his character to work on his faults and make real character changes. It is Kent’s stories of being shown grace through his moments of failure and mistakes that will stick with me.

Thus, the reader is left with the overall impression that giving up is not the only way to leave a failed situation he shows resiliency and growth. Kent isn’t afraid to learn from people wiser than himself and neither should we be afraid to learn from others who are willing to teach us. Wise Guys is a quick read that will help any man look throughout his life and see how people have helped sharpen them, just as iron sharpens iron. If you are looking for a book that will provides value and meaning to the dad in your life, Wise Guys is a great choice. 

Keep in mind though that this book may not provide women with an emotional connection and Kent is having a conversation with the reader, only, the reader cannot dialog back and ask questions. After reading the book, I had several questions I would love to sit and ask him.

Happy Reading!

Reader Question: Can you think and share one of the wisest nuggets of advice that someone has given you?

Kent Evans author of "Wise Guys"

KENT EVANS is the board chairman and co-founder of Manhood Journey, a ministry that helps fathers and mentors build the next generation of godly men. Kent has personally experienced how the guidance of godly men can change the course of a life. Today he is blessed with a solid 20-year marriage, four wonderful sons and a fulfilling life – largely because of what he’s learned from other men. He lives in Louisville, Kentucky, and can be found on Twitter @manhoodjourney.


Book received to facilitate this review. All opinions expressed are my own and may not reflect those of the Sponsor (FlyByPromotions.com) or the author.

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