Massages are generally considered to be a feel good pampering session. While this may be true, there are many other benefits that a good massage can provide. As a parent, you are constantly running around taking care of your family. Being excessively busy for long periods of time can affect your mind and your body. A good massage session can do wonders for your day-to-day life. In addition to relieving stress a massage can increase your health both mentally and physiologically. Here are 5 benefits that massages can bring you.
Improves Your Mood
Every now and then, we need human contact, especially busy parents. Though raising children is a joyous experience, it can also bring on anxiety and tamper with your mood at times. Parents tend to focus majority of their attention on their children that they neglect their needs. According to Best Health, human touch in a positive context can help alleviate stress and can be therapeutic and beneficial to your mood overall. Massage has been known to reduce depression and anxiety to those who received massages multiple times a week. Massages are not just good for a girl’s day; they are good for you mentally as well.
Better Sleep
These days getting a good night’s sleep can seem almost like trying to find a unicorn. Getting a massage right before you hit the hay can help improve your overall quality of sleep. Of course you probably do not want to have to go all the way to the masseuse. You can have your partner give you one in the comfort of your own home. Create your own massage therapy center in your very own home by investing in a massage table with an electric lift. Having your massages done at home can increase your relaxation thus bettering your sleep at the same time. Catch up on some much needed rest by regularly getting massages. You will feel well rested and ready to run after the little ones.
Immunity Booster
When you are on the run constantly and are busy with your kids, your immune system lowers, making you more susceptible to getting sick. One of the perks of parenthood is having kids that can bring home fun things like a cold or flu. As a parent, being sick does not give you a pass on parenting. A massage strengthens your immune system by increasing your natural killer cells, which help fight off diseases. It also helps fight bacteria and infection and helps your body get nourishment to the right areas. With so many added perks, massages should definitely be ranked at the top of your priority list.
Improves Circulation
The daily grind usually consists of the same movement for most of us. Bending over picking up toys, running after the kiddos, and doing laundry are a few of the regular motions that we go through each day. That monotonous action can do damage to your body. Improve your circulation through massage. Your circulation is improved by a massage due to pressure created by the massage technique actually moves blood through the congested areas. The release of this same pressure causes new blood to flow in. You will be feeling good as new in no time. Not only will it make you feel better, but also it will improve your health exponentially. Those household chores will seem like a walk in the park with regular massages.
Pain Reliever
Headaches are part of the daily grind for everyone. It is said that 60% of Americans who have chronic headaches are afflicted with migraines. A massage can be done to relieve the pressure brought on during a migraine or tension related headache. By targeting the neck, shoulders, and head regions, massage can minimize the pain and discomfort brought on by migraine or tension headaches. Having a headache is never fun, a massage is a great non-chemical way to treat the pain.
Massages are generally thought of as a fun and frivolous thing. Though it is fun and a great way to bond with friends, there are so many added advantages that a good massage can provide. It can stabilize your mood, give you better sleep quality, boost your immune system, relieve pain, and improve your circulation. Your overall quality of life can improve dramatically by just added in a massage or 2 a week. Parenting can be tough on your body, so help yourself keep in the best health by giving your body the care it needs through massage.