The Smart Bunch is a animated ebook for children. The book helps children learn more about electricity and energy. The ebook is short but very interesting and helps children explore new words and new scientific concepts. The timing of this ebook was great for my family because at the end of June and beginning July the DC, Maryland, and Virginia area experienced a significant power loss. The storms produced hurricane-force winds, which were more than 80 mph, and it left more than 1.5 million residents in the surrounding areas without power. The Smart Bunch ebook would have been a great go to resource for families to turn to help explain the electricity failure. My children were engrossed in the Smart bunch story and asked for an encore presentation.
What I liked most about the Ebook
- Captivating graphics
- Great pictures that kept my children’s
- attention
- Good music and sound effects
- Appears to be well thought out
- Educational story that teaches about electricity
- Helps answer questions children have about power outages
- Teaches about conservation
- Can be used an introduction to science
- Introduces alternative sources of energy subtly.
- The families name is unique and positive.
- The families ethnicity is racially ambiguous and many children will be able to relate to it.
- I would have liked more verbal animation
- An interactive Ebook that children can touch and explore would have been fun and interesting as well.
The Smart Bunch is the first Ebook in the series. Great for ages 3-7
Purchase The Smart Bunch here: Electricity Adventure
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The Smart Bunch Animated eBook Trailer
“CGiMATE, LLC is a computer animation company that specializes in content creation for many different media venues. Established by Steve A. Williamson, President, and Dwaine Vassell, Vice-President, its goal is to continue creating high quality animation that will be saleable to a broad spectrum of users. CGiMATE produces computer generated images (CGI). Its target markets are the motion picture industry, the advertising agency market, for educational market usage and for any venue where animated content will add value.” (Quoted from CGiMate’s website)
Dr. Stephen Jones is a college administrator at Villanova University. He has spent his career helping students learn how to succeed. The Smart Bunch was created to encourage children to have a greater interest in science, technology, engineer, and math.
This app for kids is now available for a free download. The download address is here: