Our pediatrician recommended that we ween our daughter off of her pacifier (a.k.a Binky) when she was between 9 and 12 months old. My daughter’s teeth had already emerged by 9 months and we had started using sippy cups.
Additionally, our pediatrician stated that 9 months of age is a good time because it would be easier to ween her off.
I cannot say that my daughter was entirely, obsessed with her binky as some children, but at night and at nap-time she used it to soothe herself to sleep.
Here are my tips for weening your child off of his or her binky:
- One transition at a time. I recommend making changes when things are “normal” around the house so there won’t be other factors to hinder your progress.
- Stay on track. If you are trying to start a new routine or make changes related to your child, stay consistent. The first couple of days it may be a little hard, but after a week things should calm down for most children.
- Replace it slowly. Introduce your child to something else of comfort such as a small blanket or soft toy.
- Use other methods to soothe your child.
- Talk to your child in a soothing way.
- Message your child.
- Give your child a sleepy-time kiss.
- Read a book to your child.
- Pillow – pets and a lullaby cd playing in the background worked for my daughter.
- Talk to your child about growing up and the changes that are taking place. (I know this seems kind of early, but children understand a lot well before they are great verbal communicators.)
- You could make up a Good-bye binky song or story.
- You can also show pictures of him or her as an infant, and then show pictures of how he or she has changed and grown. Take this time to take a new picture and congratulate your child in a loving way for growing-up wonderfully.