Truly Thankful

God is very gracious to me and my family.  There are many obstacles and lessons that we have learned from and overcome.  I can remember the days my husband and I shared before we became parents: we worked and played hard. However now, our lives are so much more fulfilled.  It is hard work trying to be a “good” parent, but spending time with our little reflections is gratifying.

Recently, I have watched my girls grow and learn so many new things, like how to put on their shoes, buckle themselves into their car seats, and play a DVD in the computer (I really wish they wouldn’t), but I am amazed at how much children pick up without actually being taught.  I can’t help but to be thankful for patience because as they learn and apply new lessons my patience is daily tested.

My daughters have so many OMG moments in a day, it is unbelievable.  I was convinced that she picked up the phrase while we were traveling this summer. But today I heard myself say it, and I was humbled.  I am thankful that it took my child to show me that I need to think before I speak.  My children have a way of revealing little idiosyncrasies about my character that I wasn’t aware of.One of my daughters is feisty and defiant, just like me.  I don’t know if I would have chosen to have a mini duplicate of myself, but I am thankful that I do because I can also see my compassion for others softening her inner core as she learns to balance selfishness and love. My other daughter likes to take control and be in charge, just like me; however, I see the softness of your character just like your dad.

My husband is my lighthouse.  Sometimes I loose my way and get discouraged, but he has a way of revealing which path I need to follow to stay focused and on track.  He is a no nonsense kind of man and I like it. I am thankful for someone who helps refine me into a chiseled jewel.

I am learning to love boundlessly and see life from new angles by being forced to look in the mirror everyday.  My life is a reflection of my choices and I am choosing to see blessings I often overlook. I can’t help but to be truly thankful.

9 thoughts on “Truly Thankful”

  1. Our children have a way of making us be the very best person that we could be. They cause us to reflect on ourselves and to pay closer attention to the things that really matter in our lives. Isn’t it wonderful?

  2. Lovely post. I often hear my words coming out of my 8 year old’s mouth. Even worse is when I hear my mom’s words come out of mine and his response is exactly what I would have said LOL.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Love this post. Our children are such blessings and to watch them grow and learn amazes me all the time. Though i understand what you mean about them testing you daily, its all part of our human nature, and kids learn so much early on in life. I know some days I feel like my patience is wearing thin, lol. I have 2 mini me’s and I see so much of myself in them.

  4. I love your post. I have a daughter that is 18 and has moved out and started college. I also have son that just turned 16. They have taught me so much about myself and has made me a better person. I thank God for that! Patience is the one thing they made me learn. It’s funny how you say that Elle has her OMG moments. Kori, my daughter still has her OMG moments. So heads up, it never goes away you just see less of them as they grow. Have fun raising them. It true what they say, time flys so fast….

    1. Thanks for the comment and visiting my site. I am sure you are full of parenting wisdom. Congrats on your daughter going to college. I remember when I left home and went to college, my first year I really missed my family. I hope your daughter visits often and remembers to call.

  5. You are so right!!! Love this post because I can SO relate with my two little ones! Thanks for stopping by my blog today and for your sweet comment!

    Have a wonderful day!

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