Tips for Flying With Young Children

Source: africa,

Recently, we took our first flight with our girls.  And the trip went surprisingly well.  I have a couple of tips that I would like to share with you.

1.  Talk to your child about the flight. Make sure that your child is aware that they are going to be taking a trip and riding on an airplane.  Our children are about 22 months and they were thrilled to hear that they would be flying in the air.

2.  Provide your child with entertainment. Take a few light weight toys or activities to occupy them while on the plane.  We took a DVD player/laptop, crayons and coloring book, two small books, and their blankies.

3.  Take a snack and something to drink. Usually the plane doesn’t offer beverages until after take off. The drink helped soothe them and kept their ears from popping during take off. We also gave them their snacks early so that by the time we were in the air they were ready for a nap. Most flights allow, bottles and sippy cups for your children, but check with the airline you are riding with to know their specific restrictions.

4.  Take a blanket. Our children fell asleep after take off. The blanket covered the seat and they were able to rest comfortably.

5.  Try not to travel at the peak of the traveling day. Less travelers on the plane will create a more relaxed environment.

6.  Leave the extra weight. If your child/children are old enough to walk, consider not taking their stroller.  We brought along a double umbrella stroller, but it was a hassle when going through security and our kids really didn’t want to ride in it.

7. Don’t take a lot of carry-ons. Basically, consolidate your luggage. One carry-on bag should be OK, but you probably don’t want to be tied down with anything other than focusing on your child.

5 thoughts on “Tips for Flying With Young Children”

  1. great tips! We’ll be flying this month for the first time with lil man so I am looking for all the tips that I can get. Since he is not walking, would you recommend us taking the whole travel system or just the infant seat and a smaller umbrella stroller?

    1. Hi, my apology for taking so long to respond your comment. I recently figured out that if a person comments once on my blog their comments automatically appear and I don’t get an email. Anyway, how did his first flight go? The last time we flew we took our car seats and umbrella strollers. Next time we will only take our car seats and carry the girls. Folding and unfolding strollers at the airport are a hassle.

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