Sickle Cell: A Firsthand Look at T.J. Brown’s Holistic Experience

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3 years ago I came across T.J’s Facebook Sickle Cell Support group.  His views really resonated with my own and how I was managing my daughter’s care. T.J is a young sickle cell warrior who is knowledgeable about holistic foods and wholesome healthcare. He travels across the country sharing his knowledge and experiences with others. I am very grateful that T.J. was willing to answer a few questions about growing up with Sickle Cell and I appreciate how he shares the information that he learns freely with others. Thank you T.J. for all that you do to empower others living with sickle cell anemia.

1. When were you diagnosed with Sickle Cell Disease?

I was diagnosed at birth. The doctors told my mother there would be a 50 percent chance I would have been born with sickle cell. They actually urged her to have an abortion because they where so sure I was not going to make it.

2. How has growing up with Sickle Cell Disease affected your life?

While growing up with sickle cell was very limiting, it taught me a lot. All the excruciating pain and symptoms taught me patience, wisdom, and growth. Growing up with sickle cell is incredibly hard, but challenges can manifest a thought process to make life easier. Sickle cell has taught me adaptation.

3. What are some steps you take to stay healthy?

There are a few things I do to stay healthy. The first thing I do is learn/do research; then I apply what is proven to work. I am completely vegan. I strongly feel it gives me an upper hand on health that medication could never provide. I also follow the “Daily Do’s & Don’ts” as well as the “Daily Wellness Check.” 

Daily Dos and Don't 

Sickle Cell Daily Wellness Check from T.J. Brown4. How are you raising awareness about Sickle Cell Disease, and how can others help support this cause?

I founded Sickle Cell Natural Wellness Group Inc. A foundation that specializes in advancing the health and well-being of those living with sickle cell using natural holistic modalities. We help provide food, education, and wellness supplies to enable those living with sickle cell to feel less pain and have less hospital visits. We do a lot of promoting and host a lot of events. Showing others how to treat themselves without using pain medications or harmful prescription. The knowledge I have to share is so valuable, it’s practically priceless. Being able to change and save someone’s life after they have been told there is no other way not to live with the suffering until death is a gift worth supporting. To donate or get more Information please visit:

5. Is there one myth that you would like to dispel about living with Sickle Cell Disease?

There are a lot of myths out there. For example, “only blacks get it,” and “we’re drug seekers.” While neither of these are true, there are even more important myths like, “eating has nothing to do with the reaction of sickle cell in the body,” and “medications are the end all be all.” These two latter myths are keeping us sick and dying frequently. Repeating the cycle only keeps us uninformed.

6. What do you want the world to know about Sickle Cell Disease?

I want the world to know that we are here, and we are closer to home than you think. We are suffering, we have little resources, and Sickle Cell sufferers are one of the most underfunded and debilitated of health communities. We need to continue to raise awareness, work together, and use nature in a respective healing manner. This is the answer.
T.J. Brown is a sickle cell survivor. As a child he was told he wouldn’t live to see 14, and that he would not be able to have kids. He is 26 years old now with a happy healthy two-year-old son. Most people with his illness have a lifetime of pain and suffering. T.J. lost his spleen at two and his gallbladder at 19. After having several close calls with death, T.J. chose to stand up and make a difference in his life. Through the knowledge of a natural holistic lifestyle he was able to overcome something that was once thought of as impossible. After T.J.’s success with his own health, he has decided to share the good news and help people all over the world. There are many who are experiencing the benefits of natural, healthy living. T.J. spreads the word through poetry, art, music, collaborations, and participating/hosting events.

T.J. Brown is currently a health and wellness public speaker, a health guide, and the Founder of Sickle Cell Natural Wellness Group Inc. (SCNWG), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization birthed in August of 2010. The mission of SCNWG is to support health advocacy and build global awareness for Sickle Cell Anemia. Our dedication is to better the lives of those living with Sickle Cell Anemia and the sickle cell trait through education and healthy lifestyle choices. SCNWG reaches out to not only people with sickle cell, but also to others living with life threatening diseases with the approach that proper nutrition can result in a healthier life. The group gives back by visiting churches, homes, schools, and hospitals, delivering health foods, wellness supplies, and holistic wisdom.

Age 26
Lives in South Florida
Sickle Cell Anemia SS

Some Awards:
Featured on the local TBN program “Joy in our town.” 2010
University of Colorado/Sickle Cell Adult Provider Network: Recognized for being on the panel and participation in medical symposium, 2011
Awarded the “Entrepreneur Award” by Leaders Recognizing Leaders, 2012
An Abstract entitled “Sickle Cell & The natural Wellness Initiative” was accepted by The SCDAA & is available on their website, 2013
“Born to Fight Known to Win” NO PAIN IN THE PLAY ROOM SICKLE CELL CONTEST Winner, 2013
Awarded 2013 Sickle Cell Advocate of the Year by Sickle Cell 101, 2014
Presented at the Indianapolis Martin County Sickle Cell Conference about Sickle Cell & the Natural Wellness Initiative, 2014
Speaks at several schools and colleges in the South Florida tri-county area,
2010 – present

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