“Build the Damn Thing: How to Start a Successful Business If You’re Not a Rich White Guy”
by Kathryn Finney is a fantastic entrepreneurship book that people should add to their reading list. For many years Kathryn has stood on a Black Girl Magic Pedestal as a successful blogger, turned author, turned CEO, turned venture capitalist. I’ve watched Kathryn grow this last decade on social media, and she is thriving. She is truly an inspiration, especially to me as a mom, Black female entrepreneur, and mom. She serves up elegance, intelligence, and boldness with expertise and beauty.
“Build the Damn Thing” is an easy, quick read. I read the book on my flight to Mexico on vacation and enjoyed every second of it. As I read, I got so excited because it warmed my body as I sat under the cool breeze of the flight’s AC. It felt like she was talking directly to me. The author and the examples she provided were relatable. I felt like Kathryn was my sister-friend, and “Build the Damn Thing” was my mentor.

Reading an Entrepreneurship Book Can Help You Understand Business on a New Level
I have a relatively good number of friends, but only a few of my close besties are female entrepreneurs; therefore, the chapters I found in the book were conversations I’ve been craving. The chapter that stood out the most to me was when Kathryn discussed going into the laundry business with her brother and mother. Laundry seemed like a straightforward business model with a proven track record, but the business didn’t succeed for various reasons. You’ll have to read the book to find out the details. Of course, her humility and honesty were essential, but her talk about taking time to grieve, practice self-care, and protect her sanity was what I identified with the most, and her reflections on her failed business. I left that section feeling confident that it’s okay to be human.
As a Black woman, the pressure around me sometimes pushes me to want to work around the clock to show up at all hours under all conditions like I’m a robot. Although I know, I am human. It’s hard to take a break sometimes, even when needed.
Are You Stuck, or Do You Want to Make Moves to Make Your Business Real? Then this is the Book You Should Read
I think I gained the most value from the section on hiring and firing. Kathryn gives small business owners wisdom about scaling their business from a place of knowledge. She fully understands the weight upon us within the community but also knows that we cannot build an empire on a private solo island. The book also takes us through much-needed tangible exercises to help us hone our elevated pitch and develop a comprehensive pitch deck. Yes, the book gives us homework, so she immediately encourages us to implement and apply the information she shares. Kathryn even gives us readers permission to rework the crowdfunding email template to get the attention of our friends and subscribers so we can best utilize it for our needs and audience.
Get Your Copy Because It Provides Readers With Focus
The world doesn’t have Kathryn on speed dial, so this book was honestly the next best thing to having the former acclaimed budget fashionista as our mentor. I thank Kathryn for putting all this information in a book to give us entrepreneurs the courage to be builders with successfully funded businesses that are profitable. Don’t hesitate to grab this entrepreneurship book for yourself on Amazon: “Build the Damn Thing: How to Start a Successful Business If You’re Not a Rich White Guy” by Kathryn Finney.