On Monday’s I speak with Author and Historian Janus Adams. Check her out on her website JanusAdams.com. Janus served as today’s interviewer. She interviewed David Cavins who is a father teaching his daughters about the stock market. He has an MBA and also a graphic design business.
Today’s podcast comes from one of our Monday’s LIVE episodes.
(01:45) The African proverb for this week’s podcast is:”By labour comes wealth.” ~ Yoruba African Proverb

Word of the Episode (1:55)
Fedha means money in Swahili
Support the Podcast by placing a merchandise order: (02:23)
CleverlyChanging.Threadless.comThere are hoodies, t-shirts, sweatshirts, pillows, and more.
The Grown Folks Section: (02:23)Today we spoke to David Cavins a dad of two daughters who encouraged them to pick out and buy their own stocks. He talked about learning more about stocks and bonds alongside his daughters.
Connect with David
Website: http://alienmuffin.com David and his brother Anthony started their podcast iSeepixels, a graphic design podcast, a few years ago.
Reader Participation
Did you know that the Cleverly Changing Podcast has merchandise. Yes, we sell t-shirts and accessories to help keep this podcast going and cover some of the associated costs. Please check out our merchandise and support. Thank you in advance!