Help Me Save Black Lives (SCD Day 3)

30 for Sickle Cell | In September raise awareness about Sickle Cell

I need your help. Nationwide people are protesting and stating that black lives matter. While I am not one to be on the front lines holding signs because the safety of my family during this pandemic is really important to me I partnered with the Sickle Cell Consortium and Be the Match to literally help save black lives.

Of course, as a black woman in America I care about black lives. Caring just isn’t enough for me though, I have to show through actions that I am fully committed to making a difference. Therefore, lately I’ve been contemplating how I do I create a legacy and an impact on my community? Surprisingly, the opportunity came for me to make an impression by helping Be The Match and The Sickle Cell Consortium increase the number of black donors on the Be The Match donor registry.

Save Black Lives By Joining the Donor Registry

Overall, my goal is to get 25 people to join the registry. Joining the registry is all I am asking, but just because you join doesn’t mean that Be the Match will contact you for your bone marrow or stem cells anytime soon. In fact, it could take years before a person is called and identified as a match, but your willingness to be on the registry could literally save someone’s life. Register here: or Text SC3Carley to 61474

Thank you in advance for your self-sacrifice!

I am honored to be on of the Sickle Cell Consortium’s Grant Awardees and have an opportunity to learn from this experience.


“A Sickle Cell Coloring Book for Kids” provides education and support to families who have children living with the disease. Buy the book on Amazon:

Right now my book is on sale on Amazon for 10% off the cover pice. Take advantage of this great deal and share the book with anyone who is living with sickle cell. 

The Sickle Cell Community Consortium Doctor’s Panel approved the book.

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