Listener Discretion is Advised. Today’s episode is a follow up on Episode 11. We are interviewing Faith Davis, a licensed clinical social worker who has been licensed for dealing with substance abuse addictions. Faith has also done an internship with abuse victims, including sexual abuse and physical abuse. She has worked in North Carolina, Maryland and Washington DC.
Red Flags and How to Protect our Children
What are some of the red flags to look for in your children that can signal sexual abuse? You may be surprised by some of the warning signs. Non-verbal cues that something is going on are worth exploring. (8:15)
Preventative Measures
What can parents do to reduce our children’s likelihood of being victimized? (13:30)
Steps to Take
You just found out that something happened to your child, what do you do next? Faith tells us what the process is like when you file a report on behalf of your child. She also talks about getting the support needed to heal and move forward. (17:35)
Consequences for Predators
What happens to the predator? Miriam is angry. Did you know that abuse in general wasn’t a recognized violation for quite some time? (22:45)
Differences Defined
What is the difference between rape, molestation and incest? In case you are unclear on the definitions, we’ve got you covered. Education is half of the fight. Although there are clear definitions, it helps to think of them as a Venn diagram, as there are shared aspects of each. (26:40)
Online Safety
Internet safety and virtual sex crimes. The age of information and Internet access has opened up a whole new vein as far as sexual abuse and sex education and interactions are concerned. Faith shares her tips on how to handle sexual content (and to know what is sexual content) on the internet and apps and text messaging. (30:30)
Life After
Is it possible to have a normal and healthy life after experiencing sexual abuse? Faith talks about how healing can greatly depend on how a victim perceives what happened to them and some of the ways healing can come about. (39.47)
Making the Call
When should you call dial 9-1-1 vs. calling up Child Protective Services? CPS typically handles situations that involve the caretaker of the child. (46:45)
A little tidbit on sex trafficking. This information just may put your jaw on the ground. Did you know that America has a major problem with sex trafficking and child prostitution? (51:00)
We’re not going to leave you feeling sad and helpless. We end with a poem by Maya Angelou, “And Still I Rise.” (53:45)
Questions About Episode 12?
Do you have any questions about this episode, or follow up questions for our expert? If so, please leave them below in the comment section.
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