5 Warning Signs You May Want to Consider Assisted Living

Signs that it is time to considder an assisted living facility

Aging parents who have loved us our entire lives may need specialized care. As a child who has an older parent over 80, the conversation about assisted living centers does come up. All of us have probably heard horror stories, but many assisted living care centers are helpful, safe options, you just have to do your research.

It’s estimated more than 16 million Americans devote their time and energy to caring for a senior loved one who has dementia. Often, caregivers find it’s no longer possible to bear the burden of providing home health care without suffering from extreme stress or illnesses themselves.

At this point, the cost of caregiving reaches a point that surpasses most people’s abilities. When this happens, considering assisted living is often the best option.

While moving a parent or another senior loved one to assisted living is never an easy decision, there are a few telltale signs to look for to know when this service is needed. Some of the most common signs are found here.

Higher Levels of Aggression

Violent, sexual, and physical aggression often happen in those who have dementia. When this happens, family members or caregivers may begin to feel stressed or resentful of their role.

If these issues arise, then it’s a good idea to consider where to find the best in senior living arrangements for the senior.

Increasing Care Needs

Caregivers or family members need to ask themselves, “are the senior’s care needs beyond their physical abilities?” Also, “is the health of the senior at risk, or is the caregiver’s health at risk?”

If a person answers “yes” to either of these questions, it’s probably time to have that difficult conversation.

It’s also important to consider ADLs (activities of daily living). These include things like personal hygiene (i.e., bathing, using the bathroom, getting dressed, etc.). If a senior is no longer able to handle these tasks on their own, seeking professional care is best.

Home Safety

Carefully consider the senior individual’s health. Caregivers also need to consider their ability to provide the necessary level of care.

Is the senior unsafe in their home? Are there potential hazards that could result in an injury or accident? If so, it’s another indication that assisted living arrangements need to be made.

Do you know the warning sign? Is it time for assisted living

Evidence of Sundowners Syndrome

Often referred to as Sundowning, this condition occurs when a senior exhibits agitated behavior that gets worse later in the day. This is common in those who have dementia.

This condition takes a huge toll on caregivers, and it can disrupt family routines. If this becomes an issue, it’s a clear indication that caregiving is no longer something family members can provide.


During the later stages of dementia, the risk of a senior wandering goes up significantly. Seniors may even wander in the time a caregiver goes to the bathroom. When this happens, the likelihood of injuries and falls increases dramatically.

Is it time for an assisted living facility

Selecting the Right Assisted Living Facility

Assisted living facilities are popular today due to the versatility they offer. While active seniors can enjoy living in these communities, it also provides care for those who can no longer adequately care for themselves.

It’s essential to consider a senior’s specific needs when searching for this care facility. This can help ensure the right location is found and that the location provides the services needed.

For family members searching for assisted living options for their senior loved one, it’s a good idea to begin the search by getting recommendations. Those who have gone through this process before can provide insight and information about the best assisted living facilities in the area. 

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