5 Ways to Make Preventive Care Your Main Healthcare Strategy

5 Ways to Make Preventative Care Your Main Healthcare Strategy

[notification type=”notification_info” ] HealthPlan USA and I partnered together for the following post [/notification]

Preventive care is a top priority on my healthy living to-do list, but I don’t always take time for myself and my own health goals. However, this week I’ve made a huge change. I started my 14-day #CleverlyFitMoms Challenge. Basically, it’s an accountability group that supports others by encouraging them to get fit and exercise regularly. I believe that the best healthcare for myself is preventive care.
5 Ways to Make Preventative Care Your Main Healthcare Strategy

Preventative Care Saves Money

I believe there is a direct connection between our health and our wealth. Sometimes, to be healthy it can seem costly, but in the end, it could, in fact, save a person thousands of dollars. Have you ever heard someone say, “It’s too expensive to eat healthy?” Well, try eating junk food every day. You will pay the price later. For instance, one week I bought some white chocolate candy and hid it in the armrest of my car. I ate the candy every chance I got while I was alone. As a result of my poor eating habits and minimum exercise, I gained a lot of extra weight.Sometimes we can be afraid of healthcare costs so we avoid being seen by a doctor. Don’t ignore your body. Find a plan that works for you. One discount healthcare plan is HealthPlanUSA, which is a benefits program that will help reduce your out-of-pocket cost. This plan is not insurance, but if you visit one of the contracted service providers it will lessen the amount of money you have to pay for your visit.

Your Future Depends on Prevention

While I try to eat healthy whole foods there are two health components that I need to work harder to maintain. The first is exercising consistently. In fact, the reason for me sharing the #CleverlyFitMoms challenge is to motivate myself to exercise even when I don’t want to. Secondly, I need to consume more water. Hydration is so important. According to USGS.gov “60% of the human adult body is water” Drinking water daily is now on my priority list because I want to keep my youthful energy and appearance as long as I can, which will impact my future. Setting healthy habits now will make it easier for me to maintain them in the years to come.

A Healthy Lifestyle Can Affect Your Whole Mindset

There is a quote that I like, “The mind is everything. What you think, you become.” – Budda. For those who love scripture, Proverbs 4:23 confirms this exact sentiment when it states, “Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.” It’s true, So together we have to plan to succeed, not fail. When it comes to our daily lives we have to lessen stress by changing our perspective about our actions, make goals and set short-term deadlines so we can achieve them.

Here are my top 5 Ways to Make Preventive Care Your Main Healthcare Strategy

  1. Eat whole healthy foods
  2. Exercise. Need support? Then join #CleverlyFitMoms accountability Group (sign-up here)
  3. Drink more water – (Try the 14-day #momhydrationchallenge)
  4. Get regular checkups
  5. Make mental health a priority
Click here to follow our #CleverlyFitMoms journey
One way for us parents to serve our families and ourselves better is to stay up-to-date with our checkups. We have to take care of ourselves by getting ahead of problems and making sure that everything is the way it should be instead of seeing a healthcare professional only when we are in immense pain, have trouble focusing, or can’t sleep at night. Currently, I’ve made a commitment that I will complete all of my regular (ie., primary care, OBGYN, dental, and vision) check-ups in the upcoming month. Make appointments and set a personal deadline for when you’d like to be up-to-date on each.One of the unique benefits of the HealthPlanUSA benefits program is a doctor is available even outside of office visits. The MDLIVE feature grants you access to a healthcare professional you can contact via phone, secure video, or the MDLIVE app. This benefit doesn’t even cost extra, but it is limited to 10 minutes. Learn more by visiting HealthPlanUSA.org.Overall, I’m using preventive care as my main healthcare strategy. I believe that healthcare can affect your budget, your future, and your mindset. So by using prevention as my main healthcare strategy, I give myself more control over health problems that could potentially arise.

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Why is the HealthPlanUSA discount program worth it?

Offers discounts on the following services: (the following membership information comes directly from HealthPlanUSA)
  • Virtual Doctor Visits – (Access to top-rated physicians for $0 per visit.)
  • Dental Discounts – (Brighter smiles and big savings over 226,000* available dental practice locations. In most cases you will save 15%-50% per visit)
  • Vision Discounts – (Your eyes are the window to your health. Save 10-60% on glasses, contacts, laser surgery and exams.)
  • Prescription Discounts – (Savings at over 60,000 pharmacies nationwide, save 10-85% on most prescriptions. Immediate family members are included.)
  • Health Advocate™ Solutions – (Get a dedicated specialist to help you navigate insurance and health care systems. Advocates help you untangle medical bills, negotiate discounts with hospitals and find options for services your insurance does not cover.)


Sign Up to Benefit


Reader Question

What’s your main preventive healthcare strategy? Are you looking to exercise more and you need support? Head to the following post to find out how you can Join My 14 day #CleverlyFitMoms Challenge

[notification type=”notification_info” ]“I am in partnership with HealthPlan USA and they have provided me with compensation for this campaign. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.” [/notification]

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