Fighting Sickle Cell on House Call With Dr. Mac (Part 2) #30forSickleCell

Listen to about my family's journey fighting sickle cell Part One

I’m always reminded that God’s got this! He still has the world in His hands. We cannot take time off of life to just STOP. No, we must keep going and continue to fight for our families. We also must fight for joy to remain within our lives every day. During the month of September, I shared my most vulnerable moments with the world about how we are living and coping with my daughter’s diagnosis of Sickle Cell Disease. This fight that we are battling is not internal, it’s physical, mental, and emotional, but we are reminded that we are not fighting this trial alone. Every step of the way we can lean on our Creator who promises that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Deuteronomy 31:8 says, “It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

Everyday, that I see my daughters’ smile I am encouraged that we will be victorious over this situation. As the song says, “This Battle Is the Lord’s.”

No matter what you or someone you know is going through. Remember that if you give up, you’ll never be able to taste how sweet victory is. Don’t give up and please don’t let go! Choose each day to be positive, to be an advocate for yourself, for your home, and for your family!

House call with Dr. Mac #podcast #health #healthylivingBelow is a clip from Part two of my interview with Dr. Mac for her House Call with Dr. Mac podcast show. I am so grateful that she let me share our journey with her community. I also wish her and her show much continued success!!!

And don’t forget to follow House Call with Dr. Mac:

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Great News!!! I am happy to report that we collected enough signatures for the Sickle Cell Petition!!! THANK YOU!!! Sickle Cell Treatment Bill Enough signatures collected. #30forsicklecell #sicklecell Blessings!

Follow’s board Sickle Cell on Pinterest.

14 thoughts on “Fighting Sickle Cell on House Call With Dr. Mac (Part 2) #30forSickleCell”

  1. the bible said all you need is faith the size of a mustard seed. It appears if you have faith despite the obstacles you are facing. Will keep you and your family in prayer.,

    1. Funny thing in this life, we really don’t know how much strength we have until we are tested. This is definitely a test that is making us all stronger, day-by-day.

  2. KoKoa Magazine

    I will keep your daughter and family in prayer. I know how hard dealing with sickle cell can be. Faith over fear always.

  3. Wow ! What a touching story ! I know this will all work in your favor ! God is just testing your faith and u have to stay a strong woman ! Stronger then you’ve ever been before !

  4. MrsAndMotherhood

    Several people in my life with sickle cell and I see how hard dealing with that can be. I will be praying for you all!

  5. I can only imagine what you are going through, I know it has to be tough. I’m so glad that you know that God has you and will bring you and your daughter and family through this! Praying for healing and strength.

    1. Thank you Kasi. Thankfully my daughter is strong and I often find encouragement when I watch her cope. She has embraced learning about her health and eating healthy foods so half of the battle is already better.

  6. You’re already strong for sharing your story as it may help someone else who feels they cannot overcome alone. I pray God continues to strengthen your family’s faith!

    1. Thank you Tanay, I honestly feel that sometimes this is why some things are allowed to happen. In this case, it is for me and my family to encourage others. I’m just trying to be faithful to the cause.

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