Did you know that one in 500 U.S. African-American births and one in 1000 Hispanic births is affected with sickle cell anemia? This is the most common genetic disorder in America, but it is not widely discussed. Sickled hemoglobin is passed onto a fetus, “When two carriers of sickle cell trait mate, their offspring have a one in four chance of having sickle cell anemia. (In some parts of Africa, one in five persons is a carrier for sickle cell trait.)” In America, one in 12 African-Americans carry the Sickle Cell trait. Although the quality of life for a person living with sickle cell is getting better, the disorder continues to have higher mortality rates than we would hope for. Thus, it is important to raise awareness so people throughout the world will know their status and be able to make better and more informed decisions. In honor of my little warrior and all sickle cell warriors, please accept this Bold Lips for Sickle Cell challenge, post a photo and make a donation.
About the BOLD LIPS Sickle Cell Challenge
Right now on many social media platforms several Sickle Cell Supporters are highlighting the cause with a Bold Lips for Sickle Cell Challenge. This movement was started by Shamonica Wiggins. Join the movement and follow the hashtag (#BoldLipsForSickleCell) on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. People from around the world are asked to post a creative picture of bold lips and then give to a charity supporting sickle cell. Tionne “T-Boz” Watkins is one of the most well-known celebrities living with Sickle Cell. She is supporting the challenge. Monica Brown, is lending her support as well.
This challenge isn’t only for ladies, men are getting involved as well.
Here are 15 Sickle Cell Organizations that are making a huge difference in their communities:
- Sickle Cell Disease Association of America, Inc.
- American Sickle Cell Anemia Association
- The Howard University Center for Sickle Cell Disease (designate gift for “Center for Sickle Cell Disease”)
- Sickle Cell chapters divided by each state
- Saakot Children’s Project (Provides homes for Children abandoned by their parents who have Sickle Cell in Uganda)
- Annual Stomp Out Sickle Cell Walk goal $50,000
- Lauren D Beck Sickle Cell Foundation
- St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (Sickle Cell Disease Program)
- Debbie London’s 3 fold Go Fund Me campaign in Support of Sickle Cell Awareness
- Sickle Cell Family Support Network Inc.
- National Sickle Cell Walk With the Stars
- The William E ProudFord Sickle Cell Fund
- John’s Hopkins (Designate gift for Pediatric Hematology)
- Sickle Cell Thalassemia Patients Network (SCTPN)
- Sashay For Sickle Cell
September is National Sickle Cell Awareness Month. KNOW THE FACTS ! Join us in participating in this sickle cell challenge and make a difference in your community, give to help save a life. If you don’t have money to donate please consider giving blood or joining the Be the Match Registry where you can donate money or stem cells to help extend someone’s life. Here’s my picture: (#Boldlipsforsicklecell)
Join the conversation and follow #30forSickleCell
Throughout the month of September visit often to learn more about Sickle Cell Disease. I am dedicating 30 posts to helping support Sickle Cell Awareness Month. (Please retweet)
Join the convo about #SickleCellDisease the #1 genetic disorder in the US #30forSickleCell http://t.co/gNjBq4LDGL pic.twitter.com/lYNx0mjRVc — CleverMom (@Cleverlychangin) September 4, 2014
- William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR. Sickle Cell Disease (Sickle Cell Anemia). MedicineNet.com. Retrieved on August 26, 2014 from http://www.medicinenet.com/sickle_cell/article.htm.
- Monica photo. Retrieved on August 26, 2014 from http://instagram.com/monicabrown
- TBoz photo. Retrieved on August 26, 2014 from http://instagram.com/therealtboz